Can supplemental data be updated | XM Community
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Hi, I am using a survey as supplemental data source and whenever I update the data in it it seems to break the link with all the surveys referring to it. Can someone help me with why this keeps happening or let me know if updating supplemental data source needs certain steps that I'm not aware of? Thank You in advance

Are you removing data or questions/options from the survey being used as a supplemental data source, or just adding to it? I think if you remove an element from a survey being used as supplemental data, then it may break the connection to the survey using it if the survey using it relies on that data being present., I'm adding and removing data from the supplemental data source from data and analysis. Also I edited the data in data and analysis. I didn't touch the question or embedded data containing the supplemental data

Hi I have figured that supplemental data should not be edited, It breaks if edited. if you want to make changes in the supplement data source simply delete the old data and import the new updated data in CVS format. this seems to help as it allows to update the data and doesn't break the connection with the survey in which the supplemental data source is being used. Do you know if you need to delete the old data first before importing the new updated data? I have been uploading the new updated data and then deleting the old data, but it seems to break our system. Deleting the old data first makes me worrisome as sometimes it takes hours for our system to update, and I do not want our chain to be without their dashboards for that long. I usually delete the data first and then upload the new data. It usually takes effect quickly but cannot guarantee anything with supplemental data. Would recommend to do the changes when users are not very likely to view the dashboard. You could also try it with a dummy survey first just to check if it works in your license correctly. Apologies I cant guarantee anything :(

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