Frames around questions only working in "Classic" layout | XM Community
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Hi everyone,
the code below inserted in the HTML view of one of my questions creates a frame only if I choose the "Classic" Layout. With "modern" and" Flat" there is no frame. I want to use the "modern" layout. How can I make it work?


We collected business-relevant data about four smartphone apps and created two charts:

Also, as can be seen in the screenshot, the frame on the sides is more narrow than the frame in between the two questions. How do I balance the sizes of both?
Frame qualtrics troubleshooting.PNGHelp would be much appreciated!


The borders are transparent in those layouts. Use:
.Skin .QuestionOuter .Inner {border: solid rgba(255, 61, 61, 1);}
The border width is the same on all sides. The thicker line between questions is the bottom border of the first question abutting with the top border of the second question. was it! Thank you very much.

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