How do I remove language options after 1st page? | XM Community
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Hello, I have a survey in 2 languages (English/Spanish). The language option appears on every page of my survey. How can I make it only appear on the 1st page? I don't want participants to be able to change the language once they start the survey.  I was told to reach out to this community because it would require a custom code.

Hi Isaguirr,
Giving the option to change the language is a good practice in survey industry.
The survey language doesn't have an impact on the results so you should avoid to mask it on the subsequent pages.

Hi Isaguirr1821
Add below code in survey question on which you would like to show the language drop down


Add below code in Look & Feel -> Style->Custom CSS:
#Q_lang {
Hope this helps.
Note: Please test the survey link before going live.

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