How to edit the caption above the language selection box | XM Community
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The defualt language selection box has the word “Language” above it, which is switched between different languages each time a language option is selected.

How do i edit that word “Language”? I would like it to be bilingual. For example, ”語言 Language”, shown bilingually accordinlg to the existing language options.

Your help will be much appreciated. Many thanks! 

load this page normally in preview mode.

view source to get the element id of text “Language”

using Javascript, onload function update the text using document.getElementById.innerHTML = “New text”.

load this page normally in preview mode.

view source to get the element id of text “Language”

using Javascript, onload function update the text using document.getElementById.innerHTML = “New text”.

Thank you so much, Imran_Ansari! I am a novice-- I have been looking at other posts hoping to find a way to use the command you suggested but it was without success. Could you kindly give me more pointers please? Like, where do i put that line on the layout editing page of Qualtrics? Thank you so mcuh. I really appreciat that. 


Use this in the Survey Header (Look & Feel → General → Header (edit) → <> (source)) so that it applies to every page in the survey:

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {
document.getElementById("language-selector-label").innerHTML = "語言 Language";



Use this in the Survey Header (Look & Feel → General → Header (edit) → <> (source)) so that it applies to every page in the survey:

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {
document.getElementById("language-selector-label").innerHTML = "語言 Language";


Thank you so much! Becuase of your help, I have managed to get it done. Thank you. 

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