Matrix Table | XM Community
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I want to creat a matrix table that has 3 columns and (say) 10 statements. Within the first two columns, I will have provide some information and I will try to collect the text answers at the last column. This should mimic what it looks like: 


HEADER                   Column1             Column2           Column3


Statement1           Information1     Information2          a     ](text entry box)

Statement2           Information1     Information3               ](text entry box)

Statement3           Information1     Information4          >     ](text entry box)



I will fill in informationx as part of the question. Only column3 requires answers from survey takers. I tried to add more scale points but that will make column2 text entry box as well (not what I expect).


I do not have much coding experience in JS or CSS but any kind of help would be awesome!

One of the way is to use default choice in first two columns and make them non editable using JS.

One of the way is to use default choice in first two columns and make them non editable using JS.

Your answer is very inspiring. Unfortunately, there is still something that needs to be enhanced.


Notice that the text entry box only allows information that have 3-4 characters.


HEADER                   Column1             Column2           Column3


Statement1           Information1      123](text entry box)               ](text entry box)

Statement2           Information1     r123](text entry box)               ](text entry box)

Statement3           Information1     s123](text entry box)          3     ](text entry box)


So I have replaced informationx with text entry box with default answers. But this is the outcome even if I want information2-4 to be “123456789...”

Additionally, is there any more elegant way to achieve this? This will still encoutner readability problems because some line segments will seperate this entire matrix table. (See uploaded screenshot)

I think I also made a mistake expressing exactly what I am looking for:

    All I need is 3 columns - each of them will need a header.

    The first two columns will provide information and answers will be collected at the third column.

    The text entry box does not need to be very large - it will collect answers of lenth up to 3 characters.


    (I have mimic the line segment placement with “ | ” or “-” . In reality, this should be a coherent line.) 

    (This is what an entire question looks like)

        Column1(with Title)       Column2(with Title)    |       Column3(with Title)


       Information1                      Information2              |         -     ](text entry box)

       Information1                      Information3              |              ](text entry box)

       Information1                      Information4              |               ](text entry box)



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