Side by Side with answer columns | XM Community

Side by Side with answer columns

  • 21 September 2022
  • 0 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +38

I had programmed a test survey for my colleagues with custom code on almost every question. I found some great resources in community that allowed me to sum the rows and columns of side by sides. The problem is that these side by sides only had one answer option in each column. I now need to expand my survey so that I have three side by side columns (SBS1, SBS2, SBS3) with three answer columns in each.
I need help knowing how to call the containers and inputs so that I can
(1) disable input into SBS1 A1, SBS1 A3, SBS2 A1, SBS2 A3, SBS3 A1, SBS3 A2
(2) reference input in cells so I can add the first two answers in a SBS column and display the sum in answer 3 for that SBS column and specific row.
(3) calculate the sum for each answer column and display it in the last row.
For (1) I found some code but everything that I tried to modify from a "hide" to disable is not working.
var qid=this.questionId;
I've tried changing this to the following and none work as I would like
For the rest I need help figuring out how to point properly. When there was only one answer in the SBS column I was using the following to sum the columns and display in the last row
var $jq = jQuery.noConflict(); //always keep this
//sum column 1 when only one answer in SBS1
var $sum1 = 0;
$jq('.SBS1 input').not(':last').each(fucntion(){
$sum1 += +getVal($jq(this.val());
$jq('.SBS1 input:last').val($sum1);
//sum row 1 when there are three SBS columns with one answer in each
var $sumRow1 = 0;
$jq('.SBS input').each(function(){
$sumRow1 = getVal($qj('.SBS1 input:eq(0)').val()) + getVal($jq('.SBS2 input:eq(0)').val());
I don't mind code that calls specific cells rather than column indexes as I found indexes get thrown off if we ever hide a column for any reason. However, I think I would plan to disable or hide the cell rather than the column to prevent this.

Thank you for reading and offering your help!

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