Sort HTML table displaying scores in descending order | XM Community
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Hi Community - 

I need some guidance on how to apply sorting to a table in which I display scores to respondent and I want to show them in descending order.  Full detail: Respondent completes survey about career skills/interests, survey scores responses,  and at survey end I have a table in a “Text/Graphic” question type that displays each category name in column A and corresponding score (piped in) in column B.  I need that table to sort before/as it displays to respondent so that rows are listed in descending order of scores for categories.  I found some HTML coding online for how to sort table, but all examples presume you “know” the value and it is hard coded in (literally,. as a value “4” as opposed to a variable).  So, I’m at a loss of how to translate that to a table using piped in values that of course change respondent to respondent.  Here is table.  TIA for guidance and recommendations.

Accounting Roles ${gr://SC_9QZAkIXimOoFX3U/Score}
Administrative Support ${gr://SC_9Sk1b7bsvGViI0C/Score}
HR Roles ${gr://SC_8e1FPLkGOhD9Xka/Score}
IT Roles ${gr://SC_1SnnTDgQYMdp50W/Score}
Medical Assistant ${gr://SC_9XpyOjAm22Vh4oK/Score}
OR Technician ${gr://SC_aY0vI2hxiXQJB5k/Score}
Patient Care Technician ${gr://SC_1AEhAHXq5R0q1z8/Score}
Pharmacy Technician ${gr://SC_cMFdcumXg46uWJo/Score}
Radiology Technician ${gr://SC_4GFVCFdGtUmydeK/Score}
RN ${gr://SC_1MluKM4Uup0pFBA/Score}
Sous Chef ${gr://SC_d6DfNj8MRgAvmD4/Score}


Hi @SeanMeegan , You can put this sorting code in the custom JavaScript

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {
var table = document.querySelector('table');
var rows = Array.from(table.querySelectorAll('tr'));

rows.sort(function(a, b) {
var scoreA = parseFloat(a.cellsl1].textContent);
var scoreB = parseFloat(b.cellsl1].textContent);
return scoreB - scoreA;

rows.forEach(function(row) {

Let me know if it works

I presume your recommending putting it in the Question javascript in the onload section?  I have done so and table remains sorted as I have it programmed into table - it does not sort by value of score in column b.

I presume your recommending putting it in the Question javascript in the onload section?  I have done so and table remains sorted as I have it programmed into table - it does not sort by value of score in column b.

@SeanMeegan How are you setting this up because it’s working on my size. This is how I set it up:
1. A HTML table in text/graphic question with scoring as value

Summary table<br>
<td>Accounting Roles</td>
<td>Administrative Support</td>
<td>HR Roles</td>
<td>IT Roles</td>
<td>Medical Assistant</td>
<td>OR Technician</td>
<td>Patient Care Technician</td>
<td>Pharmacy Technician</td>
<td>Radiology Technician</td>
<td>Sous Chef</td>


  1. Custom JavaScript in that text/graphic to sort the table as it load
    Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {
    var table = document.querySelector('table');
    var rows = Array.from(table.querySelectorAll('tr'));

    rows.sort(function(a, b) {
    var scoreA = parseFloat(a.cells(1].textContent);
    var scoreB = parseFloat(b.cells(1].textContent);
    return scoreB - scoreA; // Sort in descending order

    rows.forEach(function(row) {



  2. Result


Thanks @Nam Nguyen - it worked perfectly.

@SeanMeegan Glad to know it worked 😁

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