Copy/move project to another instance possible? | XM Community
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Hi together,

is there a possibility to move or copy a whole EX project to another instance? I know that I can ex/import a survey but we have to switch some projects to another instance.

I’m no BA at on the “source” instance but on the “target” instance)


Hi ​@Space - the final frontier ,

Yes, you can copy and move the project as follows:

  1. Copy the Project:

Use the dropdown menu on the right side of the project and select "Copy Project."

  1. Move a Project:
  • To transfer ownership:
  • Open the project by clicking its name.
  • Find the option to transfer ownership in the project settings.
  • Search for the user by their first and last name, select them, and confirm the transfer.

I hope these steps help!  You can find more information here.
Thank you!

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