@ash123 Thanks a lot for your message!
I guess the needs I have could not be managed through the “standard” approach highlighted in the support articles.
For example, I do not need to customize the text of a simple question, while the authenticator one and the languages box, things for which I think (but I am not sure) code is needed.
Similarly, for the email invite, I do not need to only include an image in the body, while uploading an image and that writing on the image itself.
Do you know how I can change the items colour in the multi-item Likert scales?
Hi @Anviscardi ,
May be you can try with the below approach and let us know if this worked.
1. Change the Border Color of the Authenticator Question Text Box: Use custom CSS to change the border color
Open the Look & Feel → Style → Custom CSS box, enter the following code:
.AuthenticatorTextBox { 2 border-color: #yourcolorcode; 3}
Click Apply to save your changes.
2. Change the Text Color of Language Selection Headings: You can also change the text color of the headings for language selection similaryly
.LanguageSelectionHeading { 2 color: #yourcolorcode; 3}
Click Apply to save your changes.
3. Customize the Email Invite with a Background Image: You can add a background image to your email invite using HTML and inline CSS. Here’s an example:
Switch to the HTML view in the rich content editor.
Enter your HTML and CSS code like the below:
<div style="background-image: url('yourimageurl'); background-size: cover; padding: 20px; color: white;"><h1>Your Invite Text Here</h1> <p>Additional text here...</p> </div>
Save and test it