Maintaining Stable OAuth Connection Between Qualtrics and Salesforce | XM Community

Maintaining Stable OAuth Connection Between Qualtrics and Salesforce


I am currently experiencing an issue with maintaining a stable OAuth connection between Qualtrics and Salesforce. Our setup involves using an integration user for the connection, but we have encountered an "Invalid Code Verifier" error in the Salesforce user login history. As our organization uses Single Sign-On (SSO) for Salesforce, we do not have direct access to the integration user credentials.

To address this issue, I am seeking your guidance. It appears that Qualtrics is using OAuth Refresh Tokens (resulting in "OAuth Refresh Token" as the LoginSubType) rather than Direct OAuth 2.0 Logins (BLANK LoginSubType).

Below is a summary of our current implementation:

  • Initial Setup: Connected to Salesforce using an integration user via OAuth.
  • Error Encountered: "Invalid Code Verifier" in Salesforce user login history.
  • Access Method: We do not have direct access to the integration user credentials due to SSO.

Please advise on how to proceed with this by doing OAuth as the Integration User.

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