Why are data edits not reflected in my API export to R? | XM Community
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Hello! I intend to use R to analyze my survey data, but have run into some trouble. The data I have exported into R with the API seems to be up-to-date in the sense that all surveys entered in the relevant Qualtrics project are present in the export, including some very recent surveys. However, there are discrepancies between what I see in the "Data & Analysis" tab and the data-set I end up with in R. It seems that edits made manually in the "Data & Analysis" tab aren't manifesting in the data I get through the API. Anyone have a clue what might be going on? It's been weeks since any edits were made to the data through the Qualtrics browser pages.

Some more detail: I have encountered the problem with both the qualtRics and qualtricsR packages. I switched the classification of four surveys and added some missing data in mid-August through the browser, but these changes are not reflected in the data frame I end up with.

I have tried some variations, but this is basically the R code I've been using:

.registerOptions(api_token="APItokenstring", root_url="web address")

.surveys <- getSurveys()


.ROAHtwo <- getSurvey(surveys$id[3], forceRequest = TRUE)

I am an R novice, so please bear that in mind in any replies.

Thanks so much! Appreciate any guidance.
Hello @RebeccaE ,

Manually edited responses cannot be exported using any API

To resolve this, you can export your response using "Data and analysis" Data Table(because legacy export also will not export edited responses) and then again import it. The new imported responses will not be considered edited and that will be exported using API
Oh, thanks so much! I'll give that a try and report back, but that information and advice has been quite enlightening.
It worked! Wonderful. Thanks again, Shashi.
Just a word of caution...

any data which we import create a new record in the data set... it won't overwrite.
Thanks for the warning, Mohammedali. I imported the data records to a new project to avoid problems like that, so I'm all set.

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