I need to build an event registration/scheduling site similar to Calendly. The catch? I cannot use any code or widget other than Qualtrics.
I would like the instrument to include the following features:
- Calendar interface: There are 30 different (non-consecutive) dates that users could sign up on. A matrix would be just too messy.
- Multiple 30 minute slots for each date. For instance, Monday 1: 9:00 to 9:30; 9:30 to 10:00; etc.
- Limit the number of people that can sign up for each slot. This has to be customizable: up to 5 people can sign up for the first slot, next one just 3, and so on.
- Users receive a confirmation email after signing up.
- BONUS: Users also receive a reminder 3 hours before the slot they signed up for is up.
Thank you very much. I know this is a tough one.