Having two questions with same items randomized the same way? | XM Community
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Hi there,
we've got two matrix questions with in total 13 items. The items are the same for both questions. Question 1 asks for the "importance" and question 2 for the "satisfaction" with the items.
Is it somehow possible to randomize the order of the items, but the same for both questions? So that for example we have the order D, B, A, C fort question 1 and D, B, A, C for question 2?

Thankful for any help!

I don't believe so, not without a lot of branch logic behind the scenes. It might be possible with js, but I am not familiar on how to do so.
The alternate way of doing what you want is to do a loop and merge of the two questions and Randomize the loop order. It would be as so:

  1. DD

  2. BB

  3. AA

  4. CC

The user would only get two questions at a time (Importance and satisfaction).

Ok, I did it and it was actually quite easy (shame on me).

Simply randomize the items of the first question and carry the statements forward (select "all" when implementing the carry forward). That did the job.

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