how to set up email trigger from survey that is still in progress? | XM Community
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hi all!

i have a survey which comprises of 22 blocks. i need email trigger for certain questions from several blocks. but the problem now is, if the survey is not completed, the email does not trigger. i am using workflow to send email)

i need the trigger to be sent immediately when certain criteria is met e.g. suicide thoughts from a respondent. 

can anyone please shed some light on the process to make this work?


Hello @sics_sue_choo,

If you need to send an email immediately when a certain question is answered, you might want to consider using the "Email Task" feature under Workflows. This feature works similarly to email triggers but with several notable improvements.

Here's how you can set it up:

  1. Navigate to the Workflows tab in your project.
  2. Click on the ‘+ Create a new workflow’ button.
  3. Choose ‘Event-based’ for the workflow type.
  4. In the ‘Event’ section, select ‘Survey Response’ and select ‘Include Incomplete Response’ as shown in below screenshot.


  5. specify the survey and the conditions for the event. The conditions can be set based on the answers to certain questions. For example refer the below screenshot:


  6. In the ‘Then do this’ section, select ‘Email’ and fill in the necessary fields such as To Email Address, From Name, Reply-To Email, Subject, and Message.
  7. Click ‘Save’ to save the workflow.

Please note that the email task will be sent immediately after the specified conditions are met, even if the survey is not completed.

Let me know if this works.

hi @Sachin Nandikol 

thanks for the detail. 

i have tried the method mentioned, by clicking the INCLUDE INCOMPLETE RESPONSES. 

but the email still did not get triggered. 

Hello @sics_sue_choo,

Could you please share some screenshots of your configuration. 

this is the first few blocks that i have. 

i have workflow for #1 and #4 





@Sachin Nandikol and @sics_sue_choo Did you find a solution to a mid survey email? I am trying to email respondents mid survey, using embedded email question data, as soon as their email is entered using this method. Unfortunately the email doesn’t send until the survey is completed.

hi @kgittner -no, i haven’t gotten any solution either.

the response need to be recorded first, for the workflow to run. 

support team suggested to close the survey (so that the in-progress will be recorded), but it is not ideal, as i want the survey taker to continue answering the question. 

@sics_sue_choo I have scoured the forums and found 2 other posts regarding a similar request. It seems this might be available in either their webservices or API access. I’m have limited familiarity with HTTP, but need to figure this out. I’ll post here any updates I find:


@kgittner  sure! thanks for letting me know!

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