Placement of blue arrow within a question with timer | XM Community
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Placement of blue arrow within a question with timer

  • 13 May 2021
  • 1 reply

Dear Qualtrics community,
in my study I have included questions in which the participants have to observe for 8 seconds before they can continue to the next question. 
As a solution, I found the "timing question" option, which enables me to hide the next button (which takes the participant to the next page) for 8 seconds.
In the preview of my question block, the next button is now displayed beneath the timing question ("These page timer metrics will not be displayed to the recipient") at the bottom of the page.
The timing question takes up some space, so that I have to scroll down to get to the next button. 
Will the participants also have to scroll down, even though they don't see the timing question? If so, is it somehow possible to move the next button so that it is shown above the timing question instead of at the bottom of the page?
Or is there any other way to hide the next button for 8 seconds, instead of using a timing question?

Thank you very much in advance!

  • Level 7 ●●●●●●●
  • May 13, 2021

The best way to go about this testing is to publish your survey, try out with the actual survey link and see if you are getting the desired results. (you'll have to publish for each change).
There's a simple code to hide the next button, but I would recommend getting use to the difference between preview and actual survey, as it will save time later.

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