Creating a bucketing custom variable that is not restricted by recorded response values | XM Community
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I'm attempting to create a bucketing custom variable to store percentile ranges that will cover 1-99 percentile ranges for an embedded data field I have. Example, variable values between 0-1.25 fall within percentile 1, 1.50-2.25 fall within percentile 2, and so forth. The problem I am seeing is the bucketing type will only let you define ranges that are limited by the data you already have recorded. Although I may not have data that falls within the range 0-1.25 recorded just yet, I still want to define all the percentile ranges up front so that if/when that does happen, I can determine the correct percentile.

How can I override this on the bucketing variable creation screen, so that I can define my 1-99 percentiles now, in anticipation of future data I will collect?

Thanks in advance,

To further explain, my test data only contains values in the range 40-60 for this embedded data variable. When creating my bucketing custom var, the system won't let me define percentile ranges that are outside of the realm of my "collected" data, even though I want to pre-define them all at once.
Hi, @cprice! Currently there is not a way to override the ranges for the bucketing variable creation. If you have not yet already, I’d recommend posting this in our Product Ideas category, as it is not a functionality developed by our team. Be sure to review the How to Write a Good Product Idea template and our Ideation Guidelines before you post your idea! 😀

You could generate test data that forces the full range of values in your embedded data variable.
@TomG great idea. just tested this, and it seems to work. i wonder what will happen to my variable if i delete that test data later. i will test, but otherwise, i think it's viable.

Do you happen to know how to go back and edit an existing custom bucketing variable? obviously i can see where to add them, but i don't see an obvious place to edit. i.e. what if i need to adjust my buckets later? thanks a bunch.
> @cprice said:

> @TomG great idea. just tested this, and it seems to work. i wonder what will happen to my variable if i delete that test data later. i will test, but otherwise, i think it's viable.

I don't think deleting the test responses will have an impact on your variable.

> Do you happen to know how to go back and edit an existing custom bucketing variable? obviously i can see where to add them, but i don't see an obvious place to edit. i.e. what if i need to adjust my buckets later? thanks a bunch.

Yes, you can edit by clicking on the column header and choosing Edit Variable Rule.
a-ha! thank you @TomG

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