How can I pass the response ID to a third-party system? | XM Community
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We use a third-party tool to schedule research sessions and we want to use Qualtrics ResponseID as the unique identifier between the two systems. Is there a way to add the external URL to record the ResponseID and carry it into the third party system?
If you would like to pass the current survey taker's response ID to your external URL, append the following code to the end of your URL: `?RID=${e://Field/ResponseID}`

Insert the modified link as a redirect link in an End of Survey element in the Survey Flow, or use the Survey Options -> Survey Termination -> Redirect to URL option.

* You may need to use `&RID=${e://Field/ResponseID}` instead, if the Response ID is not the first variable in the URL

* "RID" can be changed to whatever variable your third party system uses to identify the response ID

* The embedded data variable ${e://Field/ResponseID} is built-in to Qualtrics, so you won't need to add it to your survey flow

* For example, this URL has the Response ID appended to the end:


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