How to require participants to listen to a sound file? | XM Community
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I have a study where I want participants to answer questions about a sound file. Does anyone know how to require participants to listen to an inserted sound file before answering the questions to a sound?
Hi expsych,

I may not have a complete answer for you but a good workaround can be that you can make your sound file a public youtube video link, add the url to the question and then ask the respondent to listen to the video audio. You can make a video with text in it that also gives more instructions to the respondent too!

The video will play when clicked then you can ensure they listened to the recording by requiring a response regarding details in the the sound clip by selecting "force response" in the questions settings.
Thank you NikkiBest604! Unfortunately, I do not want to publish the sound files. I saw that people created code that removed the next button until a video was played. I was wondering if there was someway to do that for sound files.

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