How to reset the translation percentage (Percent Complete icon) | XM Community
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Is there a way to reset question translation progress? I have an English survey with a Spanish translation added to it (but the translation has not begun). I noticed that in the translation editor (via the Survey/Tools/Translate Survey... option) when I simply click on the text to translate on the Spanish side it automatically changes to progress status even though I have not typed anything different from the English side. I would like to be able to reset the progress so that I remember that this question still needs to be translated.
To reset the translation progress, download the translation file from Qualtrics (via the Survey/Tools/Translate Survey.../Download translation option). Open the file in your text editor. If your survey is in English for example and you have a Spanish translation you wish to reset to 0% complete then delete the Spanish text (or whatever you have under the Spanish column) for the question or answer you want the reset progress on. For example if you had response option 'QID275_Answer1' that has the Spanish translation for 'Yes' set to 'Yep' like so in the translation file:

PhraseID EN ES

QID275_Answer1 Yes Yep

... you would simply remove the 'Yep' text under the ES (Spanish) column and then re-upload the translation to Qualtrics.

PhraseID EN ES

QID275_Answer1 Yes

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