Randomization with first field always the same | XM Community
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I have a block that I need to randomize. The first field to the block contains the introduction and instructions to the block and needs to always appear first. It's the rest of the fields within the block that I need to randomize. How do I do this?

Thank you!

Hi @Jade_Rodrigues

There is a feature called "Question Randomization" which is under the block option. You can customize use "randomization" by using "advanced randomization" option.

Here is the documentation with all steps:


The question (introduction and instructions) which you want to keep always first should be under "Fixed Display Order"
Hey @Jade_Rodrigues,

In the survey editor go to:

* Block Option

* Select Question Randomization

* Select Advanced Randomization

From the wizard that pops up:

* Select the questions from the list on the left you want to randomize, leaving the first question in place unselected

* Use the arrow button on the Randomize Questions (green box) to move your questions to be randomized

* Click save and you're done. This will leave the first question out of the randomization.

Here's the support link with some visuals down the page

Thank you to you both for this helpful info!

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