Trying to set-up longitudinal surveys | XM Community
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I'm trying to set-up longitudinal surveys for research purposes. I've worked out how to add contacts to a list upon completion of an initial survey, but I'd like to do a couple of things after that. 1) I'd like a link to another survey to be sent out immediately (i.e., upon being added to contact list, the new person is sent an email link), 2) resend the survey or another survey within a specific time window (e.g., 10 days from sending the first survey or on a specific date), 3) send automated reminders (within a specific time window -- e.g., +/- 7 days of a specific target date) to complete the survey.
That sounds like an awesome project!! And setting up the Contacts is an awesome start!

One thing you can do is set up Triggers to send an initial survey, and a follow up one with a delay.

Here is a link to the documentation:

It can be tricky, so please let me know if you need anything at all.
I agree with Michael's response, setting up e-mail triggers upon survey completion is your best bet for following up with your respondents. You can easily set the timeframe for when the e-mails will be sent out. Utilize the piped text to grab the contact list information you need. Keep in mind that the e-mail triggers are kicked off once a survey is submitted depending on whether you set a delay. You can also use the Distributions tab and E-mail to send the initial survey out if you have the e-mails ahead of time. It sounds like you do not though, so I would stick with the e-mail triggers.

An alternative that would be more complete, but more complex to implement would be to redirect to a web based script at the end of the survey. The script would then use the Qualtrics REST API to add the contact, invite them the other surveys, and schedule reminders for the other surveys. Besides addressing all your needs, it would tie all the surveys to one contact which might be valuable, especially if you are using Target Audience.

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