Need question to go automatically | XM Community
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Need question to go automatically


I’m building a task on qualtrics where participants are shown images for a short amount of time and then asked 2 questions on a different page. I need the images to move automatically without having to click on any buttons. In addition, I need the arrow to disappear completely as it’s slightly distracting. I’ve tried the Look & Feel but it does not work for my purpose. Is there a way to hide this for certain questions but not for others?

5 replies

Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • 5862 replies
  • January 9, 2025


Add a timing question to the page with the images. Set the ‘Display submit after’ seconds higher than the ‘Auto-advance after’ seconds.


I have done that but the arrow to move to the next question is still there. I tried creating a code that makes the blue box with the arrow white to blend in with the background but it won’t advance to the next question. Basically the way I want it set up is that there is a fixation cross for 250 ms then two image pairs for 1.6 seconds. After the image pairs disappear, participants have to answer 2 questions on the next page. The cross and images are one after another automatically with the arrow to advance to next question to not be there. 

  • QPN Level 2 ●●
  • 39 replies
  • January 9, 2025



You can add a timer question and add settings like below. Delay the submit button seconds than the auto-advance seconds. That way, arrow would be hidden.


Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • 5862 replies
  • January 10, 2025
strugglingstudent wrote:

I have done that but the arrow to move to the next question is still there. I tried creating a code that makes the blue box with the arrow white to blend in with the background but it won’t advance to the next question. Basically the way I want it set up is that there is a fixation cross for 250 ms then two image pairs for 1.6 seconds. After the image pairs disappear, participants have to answer 2 questions on the next page. The cross and images are one after another automatically with the arrow to advance to next question to not be there. 

In that case,  you won’t be able to use a Timing question.  You can:

  • Add three text/graphic questions: Fixation cross and two images
  • Add a <style> tag with CSS to hide the Next button to the first question’s html
  • Add JS to the first question to: hide the other questions, then use setTimeout to hide/unhide questions and click the Next button on the prescribed timing





thanks to everyone for giving feedback! I was able to hide the button. The only way it worked for me was by making the button the same color as the background/white so the participant does not see it. It actually worked! 

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