Alt text, CSS and feedback control in intercepts | XM Community
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Hi! Was wondering if anyone might be able to help? I have built a slider web intercept. I want users to be able to maximise and minimise the intercept and close it if they choose to. So I have enabled the intercept to have visible control and close on target click. However I have since noticed the accessibility issues with this form of intercept.
The generated HTML around the ‘Feedback’ text to activate/expose the survey contains several nested divs, each with a tabindex=0 attribute. This causes each of them to be focusable when tabbing to them via the keyboard. This could be confusing as only one of them has the action to open/close the survey. Further divs around the main body of the survey also have the tabindex attribute.
When the ‘Feedback’ text is focused,there is no announcement to all screen readers that it can be interacted with and that it is this which is used to open / close the survey. And because it is just there as text, it cannot be easily activated when using speech recognition software such as Dragon. 
You are unable to add any alt text to images that are used, such as the close icon, so screen readers read out the file name of the image, which may be confusing. Also, the close item has no role - it is just treated as an image - so it is unclear that it can be activated to close the survey.
Has anyone encountered these issues and found a way around them without having to abandon using the slider web intercept? I have since discovered that the feedback button creative does offer more ability to use alt text when setting up the intercept but the actual look of the intercept and the survey within it seem far less customisable. It would also be good if the ability to maximise and minimise could be reduced to a single icon rather then being the size of the whole feedback button.
Appreciate there's a lot of questions there but any hints and tips would be much appreciated. Many thanks in advance

Hello Lauren_L, a product manager reached out to me regarding this post. 😊
They let me know that our Feedback Button creative type is going to be our recommended approach. We directly support all Accessibility needs through the product there, so no need for any custom code.
We are still actively innovating and supporting this option.
Our Slider creative type is more customizable. Here's a support page that does outline some additional custom code options, if you wanted to manage that on your own.

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