How can I place the labels “Candidate 1” and “Candidate 2” to the left of the corresponding slider, instead of above? (Please refer to the images above for the sliders.) I think that the gap between the values ($ 15 and $ 40) and the actual slider bars are too large and it makes it confusing to the respondents. I want the values to be as close to the slider bars as possible.
You don't need to use a constant sum. Change it back to a regular slider and uncheck Mobile Friendly. It will look like you want and you can check Force Response.
Hi @ak9999
We can surely do this with javascript.
But there is a simpler solution here you can use the constant sum question with slider type to achieve the results shown below.
Hi @NiC
Thank you so much, this looks exactly like what I wanted to look like. Thank you!
Now, forced response is not working. Previously, I had "custom validation" set as "is not empty," and it was working. But now, if I do that now, the validation fails no matter if the responses are empty or not.
You don't need to use a constant sum. Change it back to a regular slider and uncheck Mobile Friendly. It will look like you want and you can check Force Response.