Trying to make form field "horizontal" instead of "verticle" | XM Community
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I think this will need javascript. I’m trying to use the form field to have respondents rate from 0-5 the degree to which 40 words describes an experience. I want these to appear “horizontal” not “vertical”, like the Constant Sum question, but I don’t want to use Constant Sum as it defaults blank responses as 0. Is there javscript that can help achieve this?

I think a text entry format matrix question with 1 scale point would do that.

Thanks for the suggestion. I just checked and unfortunately, it does not.

I have trouble visualising what you want exactly then, can you post a mock-up?


This is it in a word document, it doesn’t have to look exactly like this, but Qualtrics puts each in its own row.

For now I have set up as several individual matrix tables, which is a little too space, but seems to be a good workaround. Thanks for prompting me to think about matrix tables a bit more!


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