Piped Text of a Google Map address | XM Community

Piped Text of a Google Map address

  • 19 August 2022
  • 1 reply

I would like to create a survey to collect ALL addresses that a participant has lived in order to assess their life time exposures to air pollution and other environmental exposures.  
In question 1, I will ask participants to list ALL addresses that they have lived in. Then in question 2, I will ask them when they moved into the first address that they answer in Q1. I would like to use Piped text for Q2. However, Q2 only shows the longitude and latitude instead of the address. Would you please help me to make the first address in Q1 appear in Q2?
P/S: Since I will collect ALL addresses of a participant, I don't want them to hand-type every individual address in Q1, which is super-annoying for them. Instead, I want to have some auto-populate function like Q1 to make it easier for participants. I followed these instructions to create Q1 https://github.com/keita-makino/qualtrics-map.
Thank you!
Screenshot 2022-08-19 124758 1.pngQ2:

1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +25

Hi phungmt,
I think that library automatically returns lat/lng coordinators, not sure if it returns any other information. You may be able to send it back to the Maps API to get an address.
But it looks like Qualtrics are actually implementing autocomplete on August 24th, with support for autocompletion against Google Maps. It may just be easier to wait a couple of days and see if it rolls out into your account :)
Good luck!

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