Qualtrics workflows previously connected to Salesforce sandbox login, cannot auth to Salesforce prod | XM Community
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Qualtrics workflows previously connected to Salesforce sandbox login, cannot auth to Salesforce prod


Our organization was attempting to push a QA Qualtrics survey to production. In the past, we had no issues authorizing the Qualtrics workflows to a salesforce sandbox instance, then re-authorizing those workflows to our production instance after testing.
Since the updates to the interface dated March 30th, the option to re-authorize a Salesforce production login is no longer available, leaving us stuck with tons of updates to a survey that cannot be pushed to production.
Our only two options so far:

  1. Pause all response recordings and create all the changes in the current production version of the survey. We attempted to clone the production survey in hopes to keep version control, however, the cloned survey's workflows are automatically authorized to the sandbox logins.

  2. Rebuild the workflows entirely. Selecting the correct Salesforce app and re-mapping hundreds of salesforce fields.

Has anyone faced the same issues we are facing? What were your workarounds?

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Level 5 ●●●●●
  • Level 5 ●●●●●
  • 409 replies
  • July 11, 2022

Usually, when we have problems connecting to a SF environment, it's due to some issues on SF itself - permissions, etc. I've swithed from sandbox to prod multiple times in the past with no issues.

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  • 1 reply
  • July 11, 2022

InessaG we've run into this issue very recently since the new ui update. Have you tried to switch between sandbox and prod in the last two months?

Level 5 ●●●●●
  • Level 5 ●●●●●
  • 409 replies
  • July 11, 2022

Yes, I did it last month.I suggest reaching out to support.

  • 3 replies
  • July 19, 2022

skoo24 Did you get the solution? I met the same issues.


I have had the same issue and reached out to support. With the new upgrade, it is not an option to change between different environments, you Must RECREATE each task and assign to production.
In addition to that, the only way to tell which task is going to which environment, you have to wait for the workflow to either pass of fail, and check the output.
Whoever approved this upgrade was not thinking of the Salesforce integration and how it's going to add a ton of time for Admins.

Level 3 ●●●
  • Level 3 ●●●
  • 121 replies
  • August 25, 2022

We also started encountering a bunch of timeout issues when creating new Salesforce tasks or trying to edit existing ones.
image.pngI have had a support ticket open with Qualtrics since July 6th for this, along with other undocumented changes that have appeared as part of the UI "enhancement" for which I've also logged product Ideas (see here and here for more details).
Specific to the error detailed in the above screenshot, it seems that Qualtrics had configured the timeout for this integration to be 10 seconds. So in other words, if Qualtrics couldn't use the integration user to query your Salesforce database and pull the details of all Salesforce Objects, Custom Settings and Custom Metadata (to which the integration user has access) within 10 seconds, the integration will time out. Their engineering team has since extended the timeout to 30 seconds (which resolved some of the timeouts for us), but it's still not 100% functional.
I have requested the timeout be extended beyond 30 seconds, but Qualtrics' engineering team is refusing to do this, saying that the problem is that we are trying to pull too much data from Salesforce. Curious though that we never had an issue with this prior to the upgrade and the Salesforce triggered workflows (which still use the "old" UI) continue to function flawlessly.
Agree entirely with Morangela that this whole "upgrade" has been poorly executed. Changes have been implemented with zero documentation, communication, or consideration for the impact to customers. Total fail.


Hello CamM, thanks for your post on this thread -- and thank you to all of the other Community members in this discussion (and to skoo24 for initiating this thread). I'm going to do some digging on my side and see if I can get more intel about this issue for everyone. I'll post another comment on this thread once I find out more. This may take a day or so, so thanks for your patience while I ask around internally!

  • Level 1 ●
  • 3 replies
  • August 28, 2023

Hi @Michael_Cooksey - Were you able to find more on this? We are facing a similar issue now where we have to recreate everything when moving from Sandbox to Production. Thank you!


Hello @Bibhu -- thanks for the “ping” on this thread. It looks like I did not update the thread as I initially committed to doing, so apologies for that! And sorry to read you’re experiencing similar issues.

If you have not already, I would definitely contact Qualtrics support. Each situation is going to be different, and the solution I am pasting below may not be the same solution that we need to implement for you. If you would like my assistance in escalating the issue internally for you as well, I’d be happy to.


“I received some clarification from our engineering team about the issues.

 The initial timeout errors were due to the size of the Salesforce payload. This was ultimately resolved by our engineering team increasing the timeout window. The timeout errors should be resolved now. 

The time out errors that occurred happened while attempting to edit specific Salesforce workflows, and were due to a problem while validating the Salesforce extension on the backend. While the same error was present, it was a different problem. This problem affected existing workflows and the customer was able to work around this by creating new workflows.


Our engineering team is still looking into the root cause of this issue. If there are any additional corrupted workflows, please let us know as our engineering team has offered to fix these manually so the customer does not have to recreate them. 

Because of feedback on the changes made to the UI, the extension has been rolled back to their previous version. This will not affect the functionality of the tasks, it'll just display the UI you're used to working with. Our engineering team has taken note of the customer feedback and is working with the appropriate internal teams to identify the best configuration for the Response Mapping task's UI moving forward.”

  • Level 1 ●
  • 3 replies
  • August 31, 2023

Thanks @Michael_Cooksey. You are right, the solution you have suggested is not relevant to me. Mine is more of moving workflows from Salesforce Sandbox to Salesforce Production without recreating all of it. I actually just submitted it as an Idea - suggested by the support. Not sure when this will ever happen though. I really like Qualtrics but our integration to Salesforce is one of the critical one. Our process will not be sustainable if we have to keep on doing the current way. 


Hello @Bibhu -- thanks for the follow up post! I am sorry my reply with the additional info was not helpful. 

It sounds like you have contacted Qualtrics support, but I will also create an escalation ticket to see if there are any workarounds or other potential helpful tips from the Qualtrics team. I’ll submit that today, and hopefully be able to follow up here in the coming days with a reply. Stay tuned! 


Hello @Bibhu -- following up here to let you know I did escalate your question internally, and I received the same information you received. 

At this time, the integrations setup between Salesforce Production and Salesforce Sandbox are separate. We understand you are hoping to having the start point to Production; however, I am afraid this currently is a Qualtrics limitation.

If you have not already, please submit your feedback to the team via the Ideas section of the Community, linked here. If you need any assistance submitting your idea, let me know! Happy to assist however I can. 

  • Level 1 ●
  • 3 replies
  • September 5, 2023

Hi @Michael_Cooksey - Thanks so much for looking further into it. I have already submitted the idea. Lets hope they look into this sooner. 


Thanks again, Bibhu

Bibhu wrote:

Hi @Michael_Cooksey - Thanks so much for looking further into it. I have already submitted the idea. Lets hope they look into this sooner. 


Thanks again, Bibhu

Thank you, @Bibhu! I am hopeful this aspect of the platform will work better for you in the near future! 

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