How do I add a "not applicable" option to each statement - side by side likert scale matrix question | XM Community
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I'd like to add a "Not applicable" option to each statement, so that if someone selects it, they don't need to answer the importance and satisfaction question, if they don't select it, they are forced to answer the other two.
I tried adding a third column, but struggled with the validation as it felt like i had to do customer validation for each individual statement and I have a looooot of statements.

Hi Experio ,
We can add the JS validation in such way that if they select not applicable then unselect all other answers. Just covert the question to multiple answer from options like below and use the below code in JS,
jQuery('#'+this.questionId+' tbody tr.Choice').click(function(){

jQuery('#'+this.questionId+' tbody tr.Choice').click(function(){


Hi @SurajK (and also @TomG )

I have the same issue

I’m using martix multi select on each row (display is profile style). 

Can you help me with JavaScript code to make the Not applicable exclusive?




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