How do I create personalised "Descriptive text" sections in one survey? | XM Community
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I'm facing a bit of a challenge & hope an expert out there can help! I want to conduct a B2B survey for just approx 30 respondents. The problem is that I will not have access to the respondents e-mails or have any way of contacting them afterwards (GDPR making life a bit challenging in Europe), BUT, I need to incentivice them through my own organisation and this survey.

So - I can generate personlised links to incentivice with a gift card and thought I could just plant those individual codes (30 or so of them ) in a descriptive text at the end of completing the survey. But - I cannot figure out how to do that: is there a way to have one survey with 30 or so different endings?

Thankful for any suggestions on how to solve this!
You can add these codes to your contact list and than pipe this in descriptive text.
> @bansalpeeyush29 said:

> You can add these codes to your contact list and than pipe this in descriptive text.

But I will not have a contact list, so it will not work -> I'm just sending it to someone who will distribute. Not allowed to get the contacts myself.
Hi @jadel

You can follow the below steps to achieve your requirement:

Step 1: Create a contact list, in which please add a column "Incentive_Code" and under Email column, if you don't want to include the respondent email address then, you can have any dummy unique email address. (documentation on contact list: )

Step 2: Generate a Unique link by using this contact list. Documentation on generating a unique link:

Step 3: In Survey Flow, add the embedded data from the contact list (which you created in Step 1)

Step 4: At the end of the survey just add a descriptive text (question type) and pipe-in the embedded data "Incentive_Code". (The incentive code will appear as per the unique link, you don't have to do it for 30 times)

Step 5: You can perform one round of check, by including few dummy contacts for yourself to check. And, use those dummy contacts unique link to check the survey before distributing to actual respondents.
@Mohammedali_Rajapakar_Ugam - Thanks so much! This is exactly what I'm looking for! Will have to work a bit more to comply with EU_regulations still, I think, but solved most of the issue anyway! 🙂
@jadel Here's an alternative approach that may be a bit of a pain to set up but if your outside vendor doesn't want to deal with individual links it is a work around.

You can use quotas and block randomization to assign a unique incentive link to each person as they complete the survey . I made an example of how to do this with three anticipated completes, below is an explanation of what is happening. If the other options work well enough for you I would go with that. As I have had trouble in the past with overquotas when a lot of people may be completing the survey at almost the same time.

1. Quotas

* You will have 30 quotas, one for each complete

* I named these ID1, ID2, ID3

* These get set to 1

* The general condition is if the question with their corresponding link number is shown then increment and do not show the question again


2. Survey Flow

* Main questionnaire and all the blocks you need to achieve it

* Then the block with 30 questions of unique links.


3. Survey

* The last block is 30 descriptive text questions with a unique link in each question.

* Randomize the block so only 1 of the 30 questions is displayed.


Block randomization condition:

Hi @bstrahin

This is brilliant - thanks! Even if it seems a bit of a cumbersome approach - this will definitely fix all GDPR-related issues and I'll only need to distribute one link!

Have a great weekend & thanks again!

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