How to only show relative panel details related to a contact in a panel in a survey | XM Community
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Hi, I work for a university and our computing group would like to send out a "checklist" asking all faculty and staff to confirm all the documented computer & printing equipment in their possession. In turn, faculty/staff need to confirm (by reviewing and submitting their survey) that their relative listing is correct, and if not, provide the correct info. They would like to perform this on a yearly basis.

I have researched this extensively on the community and the closest thing I was about to find was a question by bfaser "Using a survey to create checklist"

All the information is provided by the computing group and will reside in the my contact panel (Name, email, computer 1, computer 2, printer 2, printer 2, etc). I will use embedded data fields (at the beginning of the flow) to pull out the information (comp 1, comp 2, etc), I want to be able to just pipe the relative equipment to a contact, e.g., Mary Jones has only 1 computer and 1 printer and I can't figure out what I need to do to provide only the relative equipment info without doing a "blanket" insertion of piped text for all of the possible equipment options on the survey page.

Any help or contribution would be greatly appreciated!

Hi Rosemarie,

One solution is like show as below:-

Show info, Hi <Name> , we have below list of devices that you have on your account.pipe information from embedded data.

Than ask single select question with Yes, No, Please confirm if the above details are correct.

if they select yes mark them compete, For "No" show a form question asking them to input number of devices they have like computers, printers....
@RoseL i know this is tedious to set up but putting in the work now will payoff long term. The simplest way I can think to do this:

Survey Flow:

* Embedded Data

* Survey block

* Set embedded data values according to Q1

* BRANCH LOGIC: IF Q2="Yes" -> Survey Block 2 & Set embedded data to Q2

Survey Block 1:

* Q1: all fields with default text of piped embedded data value (allow to write over), add display logic to only show a field if the embedded data value is not empty

* Q2: do you have any equipment not listed above? Y/N

Survey Block 2:

* Q3: Carry Forward Q1, make sure it displays all possible fields and add a field for comments (in case you don't have enough space holders for the equipment)

Add a Contact List Trigger that sets the contact to the embedded data value.

Some helpful pages:

Contact list trigger:

Branch logic:

Display logic:

Default Values:
@bstrahin Thank you, I will give that a try and I will circle back if I have any issues! I will check out the additional resources as well!

@bansalpeeyush29 Thank you for your input, that is what I was aiming for!
@bstrahin - I finally received the info that I will need for this project ... initially, I thought I would be using a "flat file" as described above, (name, item1, item2, item3, etc) all items shows in 1 row.

The file I received has a line for each item, therefore, there could be 3 items for Email #1 (email1 = item 1; email1 = item 2' email1 = item3 (3 rows line item for 1 email).

Would I be able to pull this info (related to the person's email) to populate my default line item choices (only items 1, 2, and 3) for that particular email without showing the email 3 times but show all the items for that 1 email?

Before I go and reformat to a "flat file" I wanted to see if I can use the current file format, there are over 1,000 emails and some people could have 4-6 items.

Your help would be greatly appreciated!
You have to reformat your contact list and have to add items in columns.

So for one email-id there should be one row.
@RoseL you will have to reformat the file. If you are comfortable in Excel, I suggest you do the following steps to get you there a little more efficiently (I still haven't found a great way to do this but it's the best I've gotten to so far).

1. Run a pivot table to get two columns: email; count email (this will give you the range of columns you need)

2. Sort your file by email.

3. Use the following to help you pull together the relevant information into one record

*Assuming your file is Column A = email and Column B = item

*_This will pull over the second item:_ In column C -> "=if(exact(A1,A2),B2,"")"

* _This will pull over the third item:_ In column D -> "=if(exact(A1,A3),B3,"")"

* _This will pull over the fourth item:_ In column E -> "=if(exact(A1,A4),B4,"")"

* _This will pull over the fifth item:_ In column F -> "=if(exact(A1,A5),B5,"")"

* _This will pull over the sixth item:_ In column G -> "=if(exact(A1,A6),B6,"")"

You've just compressed your file into one row per record.

4. If everything has a second item, then you can sort by column C and all the blanks will group together. You can delete that chunk to dedupe your file.
@bansalpeeyush29, @bstrahin - Thank you both for your prompt replies!!! I've used your process many times in excel!

Have a great day!
@bansalpeeyush29, @bstrahin - I got my computer equipment survey setup and it works the way I want it to except I would prefer not to have the user check the boxes again, is there a way to just use a bulleted list? I doubt it, but I thought I would ask as part of the learning process.

I am running into issues on the back-end and I was hoping you could offer your help and expertise as to what I am doing wrong. Following is outline of my project and I attached a PDF with screen shots as well:

Panel “CompAssetSept20” has ALL of the embedded fields below including first name, last name and email in my survey flow and I’m using email distribution.

* Block 1 correctly pulls the equipment info that relates to the respective email from the panel

* MC question has display logic on “is not empty” since everyone does not have 6 items

* Block 2 carries forward the “selected choices from Block 1 and text area

I setup the Contact List Trigger "Comp Asset Reply" to dump my feedback results but nothing is populating this panel except my name, email and recipient ID. Then when I view DATA & ANALYSIS, it shows my submits for every item and not just the items I checked.

I'm not sure what I am doing wrong or misunderstanding so I appreciate you taking the time to review this if possible! Rosemarie

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