Is it possible to pre-populate multiple selected answers for a single question using embedded data? | XM Community
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Is it possible to pre-populate multiple selected answers for a single question using embedded data?

  • January 16, 2020
  • 1 reply

Hello! I'm looking for some assistance with a survey functionality. My organization has 4,000+ collaborators that we work with. Collaborators currently fill out an 'Enrollment form' which is response mapped to Salesforce in order to create a contact upon submission. We are attempting to change this process by first having an initial 'Application form' that creates the contact in Salesforce, then once the collaborator has been approved, have them fill out the longer 'Enrollment form' to update the contact record. In this process, we would like the answers they provided in the 'Application form' to be pre-selected in the 'Enrollment form'. The 'Enrollment form' receives those answers via embedded data from a Contact list (exported from Salesforce, then imported into Qualtrics). I have figured out how to fill in text questions using default choice piped text, and how to fill in single-select answers using the following javascript code: this.setChoiceValueByVariableName("${e://Field/ExampleFieldName}", true);. However, if someone selects more than one answer for a single question, the code doesn't register at all and won't select any of the choices. Please help - I am not a coder, but I have a feeling there's a way to do this with javascript. Thank you in advance for your answers!

(Additionally, if you know a way to do this through the Salesforce app/integration, and avoid the whole export/import contact list portion of the process, that would be even better!)

1 reply

Level 2 ●●
Not your answer but I just added a feature idea because this has been an issue we have come across and so have others. You should be able to add logic to set a default choice without knowing JS.

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