Issue connecting to sftp | XM Community
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Issue connecting to sftp

  • October 26, 2022
  • 4 replies


Hi, I am having problems troubleshooting connection to sftp. Wondering if anyone has had similar issues and how they fixed them.
I'm trying to connect to sftp for exporting responses. It seems that Qualtrics cannot connect with the parameters given. The Qualtrics IP address for my region is whitelisted. I've checked all the parameters: username, host, port, password. I am able connect via filezilla to this sftp just fine. I am not encrypting files.
The username has underscores. Don't know if that causes issues. When I check filezilla for the path the folder it's similar to:
Error message: FTS_3 - Incorrect connection parameters. Please verify your username, password, port and host.
Since it's difficult to test through the export responses feature (need to wait for the hour), I'm testing connection through importing contacts into the directory (sftp username and password) and I am getting connection errors as well.
Initially I thought it was the folder path was incorrect, but I believe that is correct. No slash before the folder name (foldername vs. /foldername).
I have looked at the sftp troubleshooting guide and I don't see anything I am missing. This is message i get:
Screen Shot 2022-10-26 at 12.00.03 PM.png

4 replies

QPN Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • 1549 replies
  • October 26, 2022

I believe the issue is with the folder name as specified here you need to include parentfolder/subfolder together.
Enter the name of the folder on the SFTP server, Google Drive, or Dropbox the file you want to import is located on. If the folder is inside another folder, be sure to specify the path, e.g., Central Folder/Contacts 2018.
This folder name is case sensitive. This must be an existing folder, or the automation will fail. The folder path should also be relative to the default directory of the SFTP, Google Drive, or Dropbox user provided to the automation. Qualtrics will not be able to access files if they’re in a higher level directory than the one specified in the folder path.
Hope it helps!

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  • 2 replies
  • October 26, 2022

Deepak Thanks for the response. I'm not quite sure if understand what you mean.
When I log into the sftp, using my username and password I'm in a directory with multiple folders. This is what I see in filezilla. I can write into "folder" and "subfolder" without a problem in FileZilla.
So in Qualtrics if I wanted to connect to the subfolder, I would type: "folder/subfolder"
If i wanted to connect to folder, I would enter: "folder"
This is my understanding. I have checked case--everything is lower case.
Untitled 2.png

QPN Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • 1549 replies
  • October 26, 2022

Yes, you are right it would be folder/subfolder if that doesn't work change the landing folder of file and just keep it in parent folder which will be just folder.
Hope this works, if you are still facing issues try raising to Qualtrics Support.

  • Author
  • 2 replies
  • October 26, 2022

Deepak Thank you. I think the culprit may be the underscore in the user name for sftp. ex: user_name. As there are no special characters allowed.
Hoping that's the issue. Crossing fingers.

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