Reducing Size of Multiple Choice Answer boxes: existing solutions not working | XM Community

Reducing Size of Multiple Choice Answer boxes: existing solutions not working

  • 11 October 2020
  • 6 replies


Hi everyone,
I want to reduce the size of the answer boxes of every question, these for instance are too big (heigh) for my purposes:
Big Boxes Qualtrics.PNGI found several solution proposals on this forum, none of them are working, including the one below. The size of the boxes doesn't change when I enter this code into "Custom CSS" in the "Look and Feel" view.
.Skin label.MultipleAnswer, .Skin label.SingleAnswer { padding:5px; }

Something does seems to happen, as can be seen when I inspect the "Frequently" Box.
Inspected without the above CSS code included:
Inspection of frequency box without css code.PNGInspected with the above CSS code included:
Inspection of frequency box with css code.PNG
But I am new to CSS, so I don't know what to try next. Help would be much appreciated!

p.s. I also tried
.Skin label.MultipleAnswer, .Skin label.SingleAnswer { padding:5px!important; }


Best answer by CodeCollective 11 October 2020, 18:06

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6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +27

.Skin label.MultipleAnswer.LabelPositionBELOW>span,
.Skin label.SingleAnswer.LabelPositionBELOW>span {

Badge code did not change anything, unfortunately.

//EDIT: something just worked, will update post in a few minutes


I think there were two small mistakes in your code, your second row reads "label.SingleAnswerAnswer", one "Answer" too much, and there was a comma before the first "{"

It seems to be working with this code now:
.Skin label.MultipleAnswer.LabelPositionBELOW>span,
.Skin label.SingleAnswer.LabelPositionBELOW>span {

Thank you for your help!

Userlevel 7
Badge +27, I made a cut and paste error that I've corrected. You should accept it as the answer.

Badge will. There's just still one comma to much, the one before the "{", isn't there? I think when I tested it that way it didn't work.

If you say it'll work even with the comma I'll accept your answer as is, if not correct it please.

Userlevel 7
Badge +27, you're correct. Comma removed.

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