Survey questions take too long to load | XM Community

Survey questions take too long to load

Userlevel 2
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Hi Everyone,


We are currently experiencing the following issue: A majority of respondents leave the survey after only a few questions and report having trouble moving on to the next questions, that oftentimes take several minutes to load!


The questions where these issues come up are very simple and don’t have any JavaScript in the background, although questions further down in the survey require some more work in the background.


Any ideas/recommendations on how to solve this would be much appreciated!




15 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +20

Hi @ChantalPe 

There are many reasons for the survey to take too long to load 

1) server side issue which is causing a delay

2) Questions are not divided properly on different blocks . Try restricting only 2-3 questions in a single block

3) There may be a browser issue. Try testing the survey on different browsers


Userlevel 2
Badge +5

Hi @krbhavya ,

Thanks a lot for your reply!


  1. This would be entirely on the Qualtrics side though, is that correct? I contacted them and sent HAR files documenting the issue, but I haven’t heard back from them.
  2. This is already the case..
  3. The issue prevails across browsers.


Userlevel 6
Badge +20

Hi @ChantalPe 

Yes, This is a Qualtrics side issue.Qualtrics support might be able to do something.

Userlevel 5
Badge +21

Hi @ChantalPe 

Can you check, if this issue is related to 1 survey only or for all other surveys too?

It is necessary to verify that first, accordingly appropriate actions can be shared

Userlevel 2
Badge +5

Hi @Swanand_Chavan_Ugam 


Thanks! Several respondents reported having this issue, so it is not just related to 1 or 2 respondents.

Does this answer your question?


Thanks again!

Userlevel 2
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One key thing that changed compared to the pilot (where things ran smoothly) was that we added simple quotas in the background of the qualtrics survey.


Could this slow down the process of loading the survey questions at the beginning?

Userlevel 6
Badge +20

Yes, adding simple quotas in the background of the Qualtrics survey could potentially slow down the process of loading the survey questions at the beginning.


When respondents enter the survey, the system checks if any of the quotas have been reached or not.




So checking quotas for each respondant can create a delay.

Userlevel 2
Badge +5

OK, thanks! But is there any other way to enforce quotas other than adding them in the background of the survey is this is causing such severe problems?


Fwiw,  attached are screenshots that show how I set the quotas in our survey – is there a way to improve this?


Thank you so much for your help, it is much appreciated!

Userlevel 2
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Just tagging @krbhavya here again, in case you have any more valuable insights :) Thank you very much!

Userlevel 6
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As per my knowledge there is no proper alternative way

But for the logics, you can apply that in the survey flow which redirects respondents to different blocks or pages of the survey based on their answers to certain questions.

Userlevel 7
Badge +33

OK, thanks! But is there any other way to enforce quotas other than adding them in the background of the survey is this is causing such severe problems?


Fwiw,  attached are screenshots that show how I set the quotas in our survey – is there a way to improve this?


Thank you so much for your help, it is much appreciated!

 Are you using nested quota. Can you please share the screenshot of any complex quota’s condition.

Userlevel 2
Badge +5

OK, thanks! But is there any other way to enforce quotas other than adding them in the background of the survey is this is causing such severe problems?


Fwiw,  attached are screenshots that show how I set the quotas in our survey – is there a way to improve this?


Thank you so much for your help, it is much appreciated!

 Are you using nested quota. Can you please share the screenshot of any complex quota’s condition.

Hi Arun,


Thanks for your reply! We are not using any nested or complex quota, only the ones you see in the screenshots further up!




Userlevel 7
Badge +33

OK, thanks! But is there any other way to enforce quotas other than adding them in the background of the survey is this is causing such severe problems?


Fwiw,  attached are screenshots that show how I set the quotas in our survey – is there a way to improve this?


Thank you so much for your help, it is much appreciated!

 Are you using nested quota. Can you please share the screenshot of any complex quota’s condition.

Hi Arun,


Thanks for your reply! We are not using any nested or complex quota, only the ones you see in the screenshots further up!




ohh got, quota logic is too simple here. Just wanted to confirm few more things.

  • Are you using any quota condition in survey flow?
  • Have you edited or deleted any quota and using that quota in survey flow?
  • Are you using quota check in survey flow after their respective question and marking quota-full if counts are achieved? 
Userlevel 2
Badge +5

OK, thanks! But is there any other way to enforce quotas other than adding them in the background of the survey is this is causing such severe problems?


Fwiw,  attached are screenshots that show how I set the quotas in our survey – is there a way to improve this?


Thank you so much for your help, it is much appreciated!

 Are you using nested quota. Can you please share the screenshot of any complex quota’s condition.

Hi Arun,


Thanks for your reply! We are not using any nested or complex quota, only the ones you see in the screenshots further up!




ohh got, quota logic is too simple here. Just wanted to confirm few more things.

  • Are you using any quota condition in survey flow?
  • Have you edited or deleted any quota and using that quota in survey flow?
  • Are you using quota check in survey flow after their respective question and marking quota-full if counts are achieved? 

No, I was not aware you could implement quotas via the survey flow tab? Would that be the preferred way of doing it? And would you be able to share any resources with me on this? The only useful post I could find so far was this Qualtrics post, based on which I implemented the simple quotas:

Userlevel 7
Badge +33

OK, thanks! But is there any other way to enforce quotas other than adding them in the background of the survey is this is causing such severe problems?


Fwiw,  attached are screenshots that show how I set the quotas in our survey – is there a way to improve this?


Thank you so much for your help, it is much appreciated!

 Are you using nested quota. Can you please share the screenshot of any complex quota’s condition.

Hi Arun,


Thanks for your reply! We are not using any nested or complex quota, only the ones you see in the screenshots further up!




ohh got, quota logic is too simple here. Just wanted to confirm few more things.

  • Are you using any quota condition in survey flow?
  • Have you edited or deleted any quota and using that quota in survey flow?
  • Are you using quota check in survey flow after their respective question and marking quota-full if counts are achieved? 

No, I was not aware you could implement quotas via the survey flow tab? Would that be the preferred way of doing it? And would you be able to share any resources with me on this? The only useful post I could find so far was this Qualtrics post, based on which I implemented the simple quotas:

Hi @ChantalPe , quotas cannot be implemented in survey flow but quota checks can. E.g. if you are checking male quota, so in survey flow you can add branch logic just after gender question. Branch logic will be if gender=male and male quota counte met then mark as quota full using end of survey module. It will help to stop the survey just after Gender question. I hope, this can also help to load your survey quickly.


You can try this on duplicated version.

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