How do I embed a small survey into an email? | XM Community
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How do I embed a small survey into an email?

I am looking to implement something like this in an email:


That would have an outcome like this:


Best answer by TomG

I think you may be looking for something like this...

Qualtrics provides a way to insert the first question of a survey into an email. First create a survey with your question. Then go to distributions/emails/compose email. Click on the Inline Email Question icon to insert your question into the email:
When the respondent clicks on an answer in the email it will take them to your Qualtrics survey with that answer option selected.
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QPN Level 3 ●●●
For sure! That's not too difficult to do. You can set up a survey to be sent out, and then pipe the text into it.


Let me know if you need more help than that! It can get tricky, but that should get you started 🙂

QPN Level 3 ●●●
(this menu is in the Survey Options)

Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
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  • March 19, 2018
I think you may be looking for something like this...

Qualtrics provides a way to insert the first question of a survey into an email. First create a survey with your question. Then go to distributions/emails/compose email. Click on the Inline Email Question icon to insert your question into the email:
When the respondent clicks on an answer in the email it will take them to your Qualtrics survey with that answer option selected.

Thank you @TomG and @Michael_Campbell_RedPepper for your responses! This was what I was looking for. Just tested it and it worked as anticipated. Do either of you by chance know how to embed Salesforce fields into the email as well? We would like to have the case owner, case number, closed date and case subject included if possible. Also, how do I set the survey to expire after 24 hours? I see a survey expiration date but it appears to be only a date range that you set on the entire survey itself. Is it possible to have it expire if not taken within 24 hours after the email has sent? Thanks!

Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
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  • March 20, 2018
If I remember correctly, I think you can pipe Contact embedded fields into your email message as ${e://Field/field_name}. It's been a while since I've done anything with SalesForce so I'm not sure if those fields count as Contact embedded fields.

To expire a survey link in 24 hours, under Compose Message click on Show Advanced Options, then set link expire to 1 day:

@TomG Awesome! Where are you looking at this from? I don't see those options at the bottom. I get to this message my going to Library->Messages Library and finding my Outbound Message name:


Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
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  • March 21, 2018
You'll see the options if you go to Distributions/Email/Compose Message.

@TomG I see. Is there any way to have this set up before the email is sent out? As soon as the case is closed and it triggers the auto email with the survey link, that's what I would like to have set at 24 hours. I think the above would result in them getting one auto email with a 60 day range to take it by default, then another one sent manually with the same link set to expire in 24 hours.

Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
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  • March 21, 2018
> @RCBIZMarketing said:
> @TomG I see. Is there any way to have this set up before the email is sent out? As soon as the case is closed and it triggers the auto email with the survey link, that's what I would like to have set at 24 hours. I think the above would result in them getting one auto email with a 60 day range to take it by default, then another one sent manually with the same link set to expire in 24 hours.

I don't know. It is probably worth asking Qualtrics Support how you can set the link expiration via the trigger.

  • 10 replies
  • August 31, 2020

Hi, TomG ,
I just read through the thread and was wondering whether it is possible to include the first question also in an email trigger, because the option does not show there.
If I copy the html code from the distribution message (where this option exists, as you point out above), it will include it as a table in the email trigger, but once the email is received through the trigger the hyperlink is not there anymore.

Any idea how to fix this?

Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
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  • August 31, 2020've never tried it, but I don't know why it wouldn't work. Check your html for errors...perhaps a missing end quote or close tag.

  • 10 replies
  • September 1, 2020

Hi, I will keep trying. Thanks for your response!
Although I do not think that it is a copy/paste problem. I think it has more to do that when used in the distribution, I think it is somewhat connected to the survey and uses embedded data (at least I cant find any specifc hyperlinks, the URL it gives is ; ${l://ChoiceLink/QID14/1} ). And maybe in the trigger it cant get to this embedded data. Below you find the code which I copy and paste. Maybe you have an idea why the hyperlink does not work (the table appears well in the triggered email)


SCREENSHOT 1/3 (Wide Format)
grafik.pngSCREENSHOT 2/3
grafik.pngSCREENSHOT 3/3
CODE (sorry for the bad formatting)





  • 10 replies
  • September 1, 2020

ok I think I solved it. I just hardcopied the link which is used in the email trigger as an hyperlink to the table. That does the job for me.
Thanks anyways!

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