How to make sure the survey is done by the language (Spanish) I want ? | XM Community
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How to make sure the survey is done by the language (Spanish) I want ?

Hi everyone,
To ensure the survey is done in Spanish by my survey participants, I have removed the language choice box on the survey after translating the survey from English to Spanish in Qualtrics. I also create a survey link with the appropriate language code, so that the survey should be opened in Spanish. This worked really fine for a while, however, I recently found out the survey was presented to some participants in English. When I downloaded the data from the Qualtrics. in the column of "User Language", a few were "EN", meaning the survey was in English? (See the screenshot attached). Does anyone possibly know why? Is it because these participants' internet browser language setting only includes English? Is there a way to 100% make sure the survey is done in Spanish? Thank you so much in advance!

Screen Shot 2021-06-04 at 11.28.35 AM.png

Best answer by ashleigh_quaill

esa as Mishraji mentioned above, many browsers will allow a user to translate the page so that it can be viewed in another language.
I notice you're using anonymous links but would it be feasible to use personalised links? If so, you can assign a user language through the contact list to set the language as Spanish. This can overcome the need for the language in the URL (and the possibility that a respondent could remove the language variable). Unfortunately it still won't fix the issue of browsers translating what Qualtrics presents though.

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Level 4 ●●●●
  • Level 4 ●●●●
  • 236 replies
  • June 5, 2021

esa - can you please check the URL for these responses? It might be possible that they removed the language variable from the URL.
Also, I don't think we can control survey language completely as certain browsers allow us to translate a page into another language.

Level 3 ●●●

esa as Mishraji mentioned above, many browsers will allow a user to translate the page so that it can be viewed in another language.
I notice you're using anonymous links but would it be feasible to use personalised links? If so, you can assign a user language through the contact list to set the language as Spanish. This can overcome the need for the language in the URL (and the possibility that a respondent could remove the language variable). Unfortunately it still won't fix the issue of browsers translating what Qualtrics presents though.

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  • June 7, 2021 Thank you so much for your quick response. I never thought of that, they indeed could remove the Language code at the end of the survey link if they knew what it meant. Thanks again for your insight!

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  • June 7, 2021  Thank you so much for pointing it out. I indeed used an anonymous link. We don't actually have a contact list, we asked the third party to share the link in their email listserv. But I will definitely check out how the personalized link might be helpful. Thanks again for your insight!

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