Programming a ceiling cut-off | XM Community
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Programming a ceiling cut-off

Hello Qualtrix community,

I am trying to implement a ceiling cut-off for a new survey I am designing. I am trying to use a parent-report questionnaire called the Vineland-3 in my survey. I am administering four subsections of this questionnaire; each of these subsections has about 50 questions, so in total I am asking parents to answer about 200 questions. When given on paper, the survey has a ceiling, such that if a parent answers '0' for five items in a row, they discontinue that section and go on to the next subsection, until they get five 0's in a row in that section, and so on. I am trying to find a way to implement this ceiling in Qualtrics to reduce burden on the parents completing the survey.

The reason that the basic Qualtrics logic won't work is that a parent could ceiling out at any point in the survey, so we would have to implement skip logic based on the four previous questions for EVERY SINGLE QUESTION in case that question just happened to be the fifth zero response in a row. I tried to implement this in our previous survey using very complex branching logic, but this was extremely time-consuming and made it very difficult to go back and make any changes to the survey. I am really hoping to use custom code that I could just paste into each question of these questionnaires, that will skip to the next section if five questions in a row are answered '0', WITHOUT having to create individual skip/display logic for each question....

I hope this description makes sense. Basically, I am just looking for code that can calculate the number of ''0' responses for the previous five items, and skip to the next block once there are five zeroes in a row. I hope this question makes sense!

2 replies

  • Level 2 ●●
  • 99 replies
  • February 17, 2020
Assuming your "five questions in a row" = five consecutive questions, the i will suggest the following workflow:
1. create an embedded data name it "number_of_consecutive_zero" and set the initial value to 0 in the beginning of the survey flow.
2. each time a user select 0 as a choice, you increment the embedded data "number_of_consecutive_zero" by 1. otherwise reset it to 0. (you may need to do this in javascript, or reach out to Qualtrics support and see how you can do that with branch logic)
3. Use display logic to hide the rest of the questions if the embedded data "number_of_consecutive_zero" equal to 5.
4. In the beginning of the next section, reset the embedded data "number_of_consecutive_zero" variable back to 0.
What do you think?

Level 5 ●●●●●
  • Level 5 ●●●●●
  • 297 replies
  • February 18, 2020
Hi, @Beachball24 -- I'm thinking about how to make that skip logic simpler, because it sounds like you're asking each respondent to complete quite a few questions -- 50 even for a subsection is a lot, unless you are dealing with a set of panelists who have volunteered to be asked a detailed set of questions. It also makes it hard to create a progress bar or other sense of how far along the respondent is, so your abandonment rate may be pretty high.

Could you instead create a "yes/no" question which would serve as the skip logic, perhaps after five questions, letting the respondent decide if they wanted to answer the rest of the questions or continue to the next session? It may improve your survey experience and lead to a higher completion rate.

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