Center Anchor Labels above Answers on a Likert Scale | XM Community
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Hi Everyone,

Is there a way to adjust the position of the labels within a Likert scale? I have a 10 point scale (1-10) that I setup with the Likert table, and I am using the three labels that appear above the scale as anchors for 1,5, and 10. The client wants to center the labels above the ratings, but it looks like the labels get auto positioned. Is there any way to adjust the positioning of the labels to do this, or is there a better way to set this up?



You can do it with JavaScript by adjusting the width of the table cells that contain the labels.

The reason you ran into the problem is because you have an even number of scale points. 5 isn't the middle of the scale so it will be unbalanced if you center 'Average' over 5. Can you change the scale from 0 to 10?
Hi To,

Thanks for this. For the scale that makes sense with an 11 point scale. Unfortunately, my organization has that as our standard scale (1-10). I adjusted the spacing in the Rich Content Editor to align better underneath the Average, but it sounds like Javascript might look cleaner. I've never really used Javascript, and might have to look to someone in my organization for it. Do you have an idea how that script might look?
Add this to the addOnload function:


var cl = jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" th.ColumnLabels");

cl.prop("width", "30%");

cl.filter(".Last").prop("width", "40%");


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