Horizontal scales for multiple choice on mobile | XM Community
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Dear community,

we are using the Minimal 2014 look&feel and have some multiple choice questions with 5 point scales. As it is a tracker and we would like it to look as similar as possible to the old programming, we need these questions to be displayed horizontal on mobile, however they are automatically displayed vertical. Is there any chance to force a horizontal orientation of the scale?

Many thanks in advance!
It is happening due to device screen size, you can try selecting mobile optimisation in question property if it is there. Read below documents it may help: https://www.qualtrics.com/support/website-app-feedback/common-use-cases/making-creatives-mobile-optimized/

No for multiple choice unfortunately there is not the option to turn off mobile friendly...
Yes it is for matrix type questions. Since you have 5 point scales , it automatically optimise on basis of device type.
We might set this up as matrix altenatively, then it displays horizontal on mobile as we are looking for. However, the statement is already included in the question, so we'd need to center the scale (as there is no statement in front). Is there a way to do this?!
Change question type to single select.
Single select automatically turns vertical on mobile, matrix stays horizontal on mobile. We need a horizontal view on mobile, that's why the matrix would be our work around.
If u still want matrix you can hide by using below code

`jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .c1").hide();`

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