How to move the multiple choice button into the table? | XM Community
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Hi all,

I have a problem with my choice experiment. I don't know whether it is possible to do it or not.

I want to insert the multiple choice button into the table as below:


I asked Qualtrics support, they suggest probably javascript will help. But, I doubt that.

Would anyone please suggest something to me?

The easiest solution is to just remove the "Your choice?" row from your table.

A second option is as Qualtric Support suggestions (they are correct). You could move the input radio buttons into your table cells and hide their labels using JavaScript.

A third option is to use a theme where the choice label is the button instead of having radio buttons. Then put entire descriptions in the choice labels.
@TomG thank you.

The third option sounds simple and manageable for me.

Just curious to know, if you or anyone in this community have an idea to move the input radio button into the table cells as in the second option.

> @Nur8987 said:

> Just curious to know, if you or anyone in this community have an idea to move the input radio button into the table cells as in the second option.

Yes, I wouldn't have said it was possible if I didn't know how. However, I only do programming consisting of more than two lines of code for my clients.
Hi @Nur8987 ,

Use Matrix Table as Question Type.

Then hide radio button where u want to insert text.

I hope these screenshots may help u..



Hi @akshay11

Thank you for the suggestions. I will try to apply in my survey. Looks easy, but more like conjoint analysis

@TomG it's okay... thanks a lot for that comment.

Hi @akshay11

Doesn't really works. Probably I make mistake in any step. Its appear nothing.

Would you please provide me with the file or more clear step.

Sorry to be a very slow learner. Not a big fan of the online survey 😃
Hii @Nur8987 ,

Are u using right IDs?

if u want to hide radio button, use:


if u want to insert text, use only:

$('QR~QID22~1~1').up('td').innerHTML="Tree cellulose";

Refer this attached qsf file.

Still u have any queries let me know and also send ur qsf file.
Hi @akshay11

Thanks. Will look through it 😀

Will definitely let you know if I can't do it

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