Add an "NA" option to star rating question | XM Community
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Hello everyone, 

I hope you are doing good :)

Does anyone know how can I add a “N/A” option to a 5 star rating question : 



Thanks in advance for your help !

Hello and good morning from a snowy Sweden! 

I dont have a proper solution for you. But we ended up having to get Qualtrics Consulting services to accomplish this (as we are not Java script skilled on our small team). 

In a nutshell it includes carry forward of your choice questions, along with java code each step of the way along with a MASSIVE java script code in the look and feel. So not at all an easy implementation unfortunately. 

Since we ended up paying for this, I am unfortunately unable to share the documentation with you. 


All the best




I gave it a try with ChatGPT and the below seems to be working okay using Flat Layout with “Show value” disabled. This thread helped me a bit too. Add to the OnReady section of the star slider’s JavaScript.

It adds a checkbox to the right side of each star slider and sets the slider rating to “0” when checked. Since the “Show value” toggle is disabled and respondents can’t type in their rating, a rating of “0” should only show up if the Not Applicable was selected.

You can also approach this with display logic/carry forward so that the respondent is only shown things that are relevant.

var that = this;	

// Function to add checkboxes to elements with the same class
function addCheckboxToElements() {
const elements = document.querySelectorAll('.ResultsInput'); // Get all elements with the class

elements.forEach((element, i) => {
const checkbox = document.createElement('input'); // Create a checkbox
checkbox.type = 'checkbox';
checkbox.class = 'notApplicable'; = 'notApplicable-'+i; = 'notApplicable'+i;

const label = document.createElement('label'); // Create a label for the checkbox
label.textContent = 'Not Applicable';

// Append the checkbox and label to the element

// Add event listener to each checkbox
checkbox.addEventListener('change', function () {
// Clear selected stars if checkbox is checked
if (this.checked) {
that.setChoiceValue(i+1,0); // Set the value of the slider to 0


// Call the function when the page loads or when necessary

//Allow checkboxes to appear
"position": "relative",
"opacity": "1",
"z-index": "999",
"height": "20px",
"width": "20px",


Hello @Tom_1842 

Thanks for your answer !

I tried to put this Javascript but I ended up having the message below :


Just for your information I want my question to be “Forced response” but just have one element (in red below) with NA option, is this possible ? 


Just for your information I already have this as Javascript in my star rating question : 

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {
jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" tr").each(function() {
var row = jQuery(this);
var th = row.before("<tr></tr>").find("th").attr("colspan","4").css("text-align","left");


Thank you for the additional details. I've updated the code so that it only applies to the 3rd slider and is compatible with the code that puts the stars on their own rows. It will work with Force Response because selecting the Not Applicable checkbox sets the value to "0". I've included the OnReady piece if it helps with the copy/pasting.

/*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page is fully displayed*/

//stars on own row
jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" tr").each(function() {
var row = jQuery(this);
var th = row.before("<tr></tr>").find("th").attr("colspan","4").css("text-align","left");

//create checkbox row
jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" tr[choiceid=3]").after('<tr><td id="checkboxtd"></td></tr>');

// create checkbox
const element = document.getElementById(this.questionId+'~3~result'); // Get element

const checkbox = document.createElement('input'); // Create a checkbox
checkbox.type = 'checkbox';
checkbox.class = 'notApplicable'; = 'notApplicable-3'; = 'notApplicable-3';

const label = document.createElement('label'); // Create a label for the checkbox
label.textContent = 'Not Applicable';

// Append the checkbox and label to the element

// Add event listener to each checkbox
var that = this;
checkbox.addEventListener('change', function () {
// Clear selected stars if checkbox is checked
if (this.checked) {
that.setChoiceValue(3,0); // Set the value of the slider to 0

//Allow checkboxes to appear
"position": "relative",
"opacity": "1",
"z-index": "999",
"height": "20px",
"width": "20px",



Hello @Tom_1842 


Thank you very much for your help !


I tried to add this but when I test the survey I don’t see no “NA” option do you why ?

I’ve copied and paste your code in the question JavaScript but doesn’t seem to work, maybe I should replace “choice=3” in your code by the actual item title ?   

Hmm the choiceid not actually being 3 is what I would check next. One way to do this is to use the Builder's Support Mode by going to the Builder, then holding "Ctrl"+"Shift" and clicking "Tools", then toggling Support Mode. The numbers in red will be the choiceids. Updating the JS with wherever it says "3" with the choiceid should work. Or if you haven't collected data yet, create a new star slider question.

Or, you can use JS to save the choiceid attribute value of the 3rd star slider based on order of appearance. Updated JS below, where the 3rd star slider is in the 6th row because of the JS that puts the stars on their own row.

/*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page is fully displayed*/

//stars on own row
jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" tr").each(function() {
var row = jQuery(this);
var th = row.before("<tr></tr>").find("th").attr("colspan","4").css("text-align","left");

const thirdRowVal = jQuery('#'+this.questionId+' tbody tr:nth-child(6)').attr('choiceid');

//create checkbox row
jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" trrchoiceid="+thirdRowVal+"]").after('<tr><td id="checkboxtd"></td></tr>');

//create checkbox
const checkbox = document.createElement('input'); // Create a checkbox
checkbox.type = 'checkbox';
checkbox.class = 'notApplicable'; = 'notApplicable-'+thirdRowVal; = 'notApplicable-'+thirdRowVal;

const label = document.createElement('label'); // Create a label for the checkbox
label.textContent = 'Not Applicable';

// Append the checkbox and label to the element

// Add event listener to each checkbox
var that = this;
checkbox.addEventListener('change', function () {
// Clear selected stars if checkbox is checked
if (this.checked) {
that.setChoiceValue(thirdRowVal,0); // Set the value of the slider to 0

//Allow checkboxes to appear
"position": "relative",
"opacity": "1",
"z-index": "999",
"height": "20px",
"width": "20px",



Hello @Tom_1842 

Thanks for these adjusments I can now see the “NA” option : 

Is it possible to have it on the right side of the stars instead of below ? 

FYI this survey has two version, the french one and an english one, what can we add to the JS so that the french version displays “NA” in french and the english translation displays “Not applicable” ? 



Updated to have the Not Applicable on the right side of the 3rd star slider and to have different labels in French and English.

/*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page is fully displayed*/

//stars on own row
jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" tr").each(function() {
var row = jQuery(this);
var th = row.before("<tr></tr>").find("th").attr("colspan","4").css("text-align","left");

const thirdRowVal = jQuery('#'+this.questionId+' tbody tr:nth-child(6)').attr('choiceid');

//create checkbox
const checkbox = document.createElement('input'); // Create a checkbox
checkbox.type = 'checkbox';
checkbox.class = 'notApplicable'; = 'notApplicable-'+thirdRowVal; = 'notApplicable-'+thirdRowVal;

//create label
const label = document.createElement('label'); // Create a label for the checkbox

if("${e://Field/Q_Language}" == "EN") {
label.textContent = 'Not Applicable';

if("${e://Field/Q_Language}" == "FR") {
label.textContent = 'NA';

// Append the checkbox and label to the element

// Add event listener to each checkbox
var that = this;
checkbox.addEventListener('change', function () {
// Clear selected stars if checkbox is checked
if (this.checked) {
that.setChoiceValue(thirdRowVal,0); // Set the value of the slider to 0

//Allow checkboxes to appear
"position": "relative",
"opacity": "1",
"z-index": "999",
"height": "20px",
"width": "20px",



Hello @Tom_1842 


Thank you very much for your help it worked perfectly :)

I just have one question when I test the survey and I choose “NA” option I don’t see 0 in data & analysis tab it’s just empty do you know maybe why ? 

Glad it's working! I see what you mean. While setting the value to "0" with JS retains the "0" value in Piped Text and registers as an answer for Force Response, it is blank in data downloads/reports. I think this is actually preferable for reporting and treats it like how "Not Applicable" options work for other questions when "Exclude from analysis" is toggled.

Since the whole question is Force Response and only the 3rd slider has a "Not Applicable" option, any blank value alongside any rated items can be inferred to have selected "Not Applicable". You can also capture the "0" by creating an Embedded Data field at the bottom of the Survey Flow and piping in the value of the 3rd star slider, like the below:


Thank you @Tom_1842 

I think I will let it the way it is right now it’s good, thank you for your time and help ! 

Do you mind if I ask you another question not related to this one, I posted this question yesterday I really need help on that one maybe you can help 




Hello @Tom_1842

How you clear the checkbox if stars is selected?


Thank you!

@Tata C  glad you got helped with the dashboard question.

@andrecarma10 adding 'click' and 'touchstart' event listeners to the third star slider is working on my end to uncheck the checkbox. I included it in the most recent implementation on this thread:

/*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page is fully displayed*/

//stars on own row
jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" tr").each(function() {
var row = jQuery(this);
var th = row.before("<tr></tr>").find("th").attr("colspan","4").css("text-align","left");

const thirdRowVal = jQuery('#'+this.questionId+' tbody tr:nth-child(6)').attr('choiceid');

//create checkbox
const checkbox = document.createElement('input'); // Create a checkbox
checkbox.type = 'checkbox';
checkbox.class = 'notApplicable'; = 'notApplicable-'+thirdRowVal; = 'notApplicable-'+thirdRowVal;

//create label
const label = document.createElement('label'); // Create a label for the checkbox

if("${e://Field/Q_Language}" == "EN") {
label.textContent = 'Not Applicable';

if("${e://Field/Q_Language}" == "FR") {
label.textContent = 'NA';

// Append the checkbox and label to the element

// Add event listener to third checkbox
var that = this;
checkbox.addEventListener('change', function () {
// Clear selected stars if checkbox is checked
if (this.checked) {
that.setChoiceValue(thirdRowVal,0); // Set the value of the slider to 0

// Add event listener to third star slider
jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" tbody > tr:nth-child(6) > td.BarOuter").attr("id","star3");
document.getElementById("star3").addEventListener("click", function (e) {
jQuery(checkbox).attr("checked", false); // uncheck box
document.getElementById("star3").addEventListener("touchstart", function (e) {
jQuery(checkbox).attr("checked", false); // uncheck box

//Allow checkboxes to appear
"position": "relative",
"opacity": "1",
"z-index": "999",
"height": "20px",
"width": "20px",



Hi @Tom_1842 - this solution works great thanks! Is there a way to get this to work but instead of just showing the N/A option for the third row to also show it for all the other rows (so four in total in this instance), while still maintaining the exclusivity rule that if you select N/A you cannot select a star rating for that row and vice versa? Currently If i use your code or an amended version of the code to add the N/A for each of the four star rating statements i can’t get the exclusivity part right. Thanks in advance!

Hi @NF_user , try using the below. It puts each star slider on its own row and then adds a Not Applicable checkbox to each star slider that will clear out the stars when checked, and uncheck when the stars are selected. Supports any number of star sliders.

/*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page is fully displayed*/
var that = this;

//stars on own row
jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" tr").each(function(index) {
var row = jQuery(this);
var th = row.before("<tr></tr>").find("th").attr("colspan","4").css("text-align","left");

// Function to add checkboxes to elements with the same class
function addCheckboxToElements() {
const elements = document.querySelectorAll('.ResultsInput'); // Get all elements with the class

elements.forEach((element, i) => {

const checkbox = document.createElement('input'); // Create a checkbox
checkbox.type = 'checkbox';
checkbox.className = 'notApplicable'; // Use className instead of class = 'notApplicable-'+i; = 'notApplicable'+i;

const label = document.createElement('label'); // Create a label for the checkbox
label.textContent = 'Not Applicable';

// Append the checkbox and label to the element

// Add event listener to each checkbox
checkbox.addEventListener('change', function () {
// Clear selected stars if checkbox is checked
if (this.checked) {
that.setChoiceValue(i+1,0); // Set the value of the slider to 0

jQuery("#"+that.questionId+" tbody > tr:nth-child(" + ((2 * i)+2) + ") > td.BarOuter").attr("id", "star" + i);
document.getElementById("star" + i).addEventListener("click", function (e) {
jQuery(checkbox).prop("checked", false);
document.getElementById("star" + i).addEventListener("touchstart", function (e) {
jQuery(checkbox).prop("checked", false);


// Call the function when the page loads or when necessary

// Allow checkboxes to appear
"position": "relative",
"opacity": "1",
"z-index": "999",
"height": "20px",
"width": "20px",


@Tom_1842 Many thanks Tom! This seems to be working a treat!

Hello Tom,

I face the same issue as Tata C. The last JS you propose seems to have 2 defficencies :

  • the label is above the stars and N/A line (may be has to do with a css in the look & feel ?)
  • the N/A box whe, chcked does not erase the stars.

Could you check, please ?

Many thanks

Henri A.

@Henri from ilem hmm there are a couple implementations of the Not Applicable checkbox for Star Sliders on this thread, but they all should clear out the stars when the box is checked. Not sure what you are running into, but attached is a QSF where 3 of the implementations are working for me:

  1. Star sliders on their own row and then adds a Not Applicable checkbox to each star slider that will clear out the stars when checked, and uncheck when the stars are selected. Supports any number of star sliders.
  2. Star sliders on same row and then adds a Not Applicable checkbox to each star slider that will clear out the stars when checked, and uncheck when the stars are selected. Supports any number of star sliders.
  3. Star sliders on their own row and then adds a Not Applicable checkbox to the 3rd star slider that will clear out the stars when checked, and uncheck when the stars are selected. Also reads "Not Applicable" for English language and "NA" for French language.

Hello Tom, thanks a million! I used your second example (star cursor on the same line) which fits my use case perfectly. I really appreciate your spontaneous help and I'm keeping a bar of Swiss chocolate, just in case we meet in Geneva, or maybe at the next X4 Summit in Salt Lake City. 

Hi @Tom_1842 Have you tried adding this NA option in a simpler layout? Thank you!!

Hi @andrecarma10 ,

I leveraged Tom's solution, but it seems to work well when you copy the full question into your survey. If you only copy the Java Script code, it does not behave as expected. I suppose there is an explanation, but it's to subtile for me. 

@Henri from ilem Tom’s code is working for me but I need to implemented in Simple Layout as well and is not working. 

Maybe Tom has a clue? On my side, I went for a more standard option, not using star cursor question type. Hope this helps.

@Henri from ilem You're welcome! Hopefully I'll be able to take you up on that chocolate bar one day haha

@andrecarma10 The below is working on my end to add the Not Applicable checkboxes to the Star Slider for Simple layout. Try adding it to the OnReady section of the question’s JavaScript:

var that = this;

function addCheckboxToElements() {
const elements = document.querySelectorAll('.slider-value'); // Get all elements with the class

elements.forEach((element, i) => {

const checkbox = document.createElement('input'); // Create a checkbox
checkbox.type = 'checkbox';
checkbox.className = 'notApplicable'; // Use className instead of class = 'notApplicable-'+i; = 'notApplicable'+i;'20px';'20px';

const label = document.createElement('label'); // Create a label for the checkbox
label.textContent = 'Not Applicable';'3px';

// Append the checkbox and label to the element

checkbox.addEventListener('click', function () {
checkbox.checked = true;

// Add event listener to each checkbox
checkbox.addEventListener('change', function () {
// Clear selected stars if checkbox is checked
if (this.checked) {
that.setChoiceValue(i+1,0); // Set the value of the slider to 0

//Uncheck the box when slider is interacted
var sliderContainer = document.querySelector("#slider-statement-" + that.questionId + "-" + (i+1) + " > div.slider-control-container > div > div.slider-container");
// Define the event handler
var eventHandler = function(e) {
checkbox.checked = false;
// Add the event listeners
sliderContainer.addEventListener("click", eventHandler);
sliderContainer.addEventListener("touchstart", eventHandler);


// Call the function when the page loads or when necessary


@Tom_1842 Thank you so much! is working on my end. Is there any way to make it work without showing the selected value? e.g when the NA is selected is showing a “0”.

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