Back option allowed & Not able to change previous response | XM Community
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Dear all,

I would like to have participants to be able to go back to every previous page. 

But they cannot change previous responses. 

Some of my questions are multiple choice and some use the slider.

Is there any way to do this?

Any help would be really appreciated!

@txu your issue may be based on the survey flow logic you have used.  If you put elements (e.g., branch) between blocks you lose the ability to use the back button. Refer to this previous post which  will explain further:  This is unfortunately a limitation of platform.

@ScottG Thanks for the reply. I am aware of the limitation you mentioned. I guess my question was not clear enough. I have the back option available. I am trying to keep participants from changing answers when they go back to previous pages.

@txu ahh sorry; totally didn’t get that when I first read the question, but re-reading it I now see that.  Unfortunately I am not aware of an option to do this myself.

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