Coding Wason Rule Discovery Task in Qualtrics | XM Community
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Hello everyone,

I hope you can help me program the following study: I want to program the classic Wason Rule Discovery Task to assess confirmation bias (Wason, 1960; for an example, see I’m not sure how to do this and whether it is even possible in Qualtrics. All the help is appreciated!

In the original study, participants were presented with a series of three numbers (e.g., 2,4,6) and told that the series of numbers conform to a certain rule. Participants were instructed to discover this rule by writing down sets of three numbers. After writing down each set, participants were informed whether the series of numbers that were written down confirmed the rule or not. By testing their hypotheses this way, participants could infer the rule behind the series of numbers.

I do not know how to reproduce this experiment in Qualtrics.


Russell W. Waltz, PhD, EdD (ABD)
Can you be more explicit in what you want the survey to do? Is it a random set of numbers presented or the same set? Are all respondents seeing the same set of numbers or different sets? What do you want the tool to do once they enter their responses?

Basically, they’re supposed to input a number triplet that satisfies the rule. The rule in this case is multiples of 10 that are less than 100. I wanted a small finite number to program. What I’d like to happen is Qualtrics to say either great job if they satisfy the rule or try again if they violate the rule. They aren’t aware of the rule. They will have three tries to guess the rule.

Yes, this can be done then.

I'm guessing you'll want to use the Randomizer to show the different number sets to the respondents. You can use branch logic to check if they satisfy the rule (you'll have to tell Qualtrics what does satisfy) and then route them through again using more branches if they don't satisfy the rule.

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