Customise progress bar % for complex survey with routing | XM Community
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I have a very complex survey with various flows and routing in place. The survey has some questions that are asked of everyone, and other groups of questions that are asked of different groups of respondents. How do I adjust the progress bar in this case without having to manually apply JS to each question?

Unfortunately, you can't.

Thank you!
Would you know how to make the text of the progress bar to adjust as well? I am using the below code to manually adjust the bar and that work but the text is not aligning.
image.pngimage.pngAs you can see above, the bar is at 80% but the text is saying 6%.

Many thanks!!

Right click on 6%, Inspect, identify the element and add JS to change it's content.

how do you display the text above the progress bar to show the percentage please ?

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