Display Sum Total of Slider Choices | XM Community
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I would like the total sum of slider choices be displayed on the same page as the sliders. RIght now, a total is displayed when you force the slider choices to sum to some value. But I do not want that validation.

How do you display the sum total of slider choices on the same page as the slider?
You'll need to write some JS to do this:

1. Append a total row to your question

2. Write a function to sum the rows and update the total

3. Execute the function above when the page loads

4. Add event handlers to execute the function above any time a row changes.
Hey TomG,

Thank you for this! I am a total newbie in JS. Is there a link to tutorials/resources to implement what you've described?
> @1ag0 said:

> Hey TomG,


> Thank you for this! I am a total newbie in JS. Is there a link to tutorials/resources to implement what you've described?

There are tutorials on JavaScript and jQuery at https://www.w3schools.com/, but learning it is something that takes time (i.e., considerably more than a few hours).

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