Extra white space above star slider | XM Community
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There seems to be a lot of extra white space between the question text and the stars in the slider/stars question type. Is there an easy way to reduce that so it looks more like the other questions? As it is it kind of looks like something is missing. 

Hi @jinx,


If you’re using ‘Classic’ layout for your survey, use below code for removing the extra space:

.Skin .QuestionText {

padding: 0px !important;



You can chnage padding as per your requirements.


Let me know if this works for you :)


I’m using the default theme for my university. Applying that css takes away the padding for all question types above and below the question text. I only want to reduce the space below the question text/above the star slider stars, only on that question type. 

@jinx Then you can use this code on the star question JavaScript to target it only

jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .QuestionText").css({padding: '0px'});


Hi @jinx,


Try with pasting below code in star question:


.Skin .QuestionText {

padding-top:10px !important;

padding-bottom:10px !important;




You will have to modify the code accordingly

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