Fixation cross before each target | XM Community
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Hello! as for my understanding, there should be a way through JS to include a fixation cross before each target. in my case, I have 90 different pictures (with a multiple choice as response) in one single block (to be presented randomly) and I need to show a fixation cross for 500ms before each picture.
anyone can help me in getting through it, please?

Plus, is there a way to upload the pictures all together and simply tell the system to show them one per time, with the related multiple question alternatives?


is there a way to upload the pictures all together and simply tell the system to show them one per time, with the related multiple question alternatives? - You can use loop and merge for this. Put all the image url in the field1 of loop & merge and in the question html img src just pipe in the field1


 I need to show a fixation cross for 500ms before each picture - For this too, you can add a fixation question at the end of the loop and merge block with timer question associated with it on same page, and auto advance set to 0.5 seconds

is there a way through JavaScript (and not loop&merge) to include a fixation cross before a graphic multiple question?
You can use the below code:
setTimeout(function(){ jQuery("img").attr("src","ACTUAL_IMAGE_URL"); }, 500);
Are you at least using loop and merge to show 90 images, suggested in very first comment?

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