Help with Code please - Drop down List | XM Community
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If you can please provide me an assistance pertaining correct code to input as I'm quite new to qualtrics.
1) I created a survey using a textbox - but the visibility of the answer text is not strong enough. I need to ensure eg Request type New Request (the answer text is visible) for people who maybe having issue with eyesight. It's kinda blurry. I want the same bold text as Request type.
2) Gap space between the Request Type and answer box. How can I reduce it please for minumum spacing.
What code should I input please?
Thank you and I do appreciate your assistance

Hi @kate23,
Although a coding solution certainly exists, if you haven't already, you might first try adjusting some of the Look and Feel settings in your survey and see if that addresses the problems.

Thanks Matt, Look and feel makes a difference.

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