How best to import response to the same survey? | XM Community
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I am making a survey that has 2 sections (A+B).

I want the question body of section B to be other participants' response in survey section A.

Specifically, I want people write responses in section A, and in section B, they evaluate responses other people wrote in section A.

It will look something like this:

[Setion A: Please write a poem for this scenario (an image)

Section B: For this scenario (an image), other people wrote poem like __"Oh the leaves are falling...."_(import others' responses here), what do you think of it?]

I wonder how best to achieve this? Do I need database or will Excel suffice?

Really appreciate any help, novice at database, php, js, but can learn!
Let me ask are you are wanting to show the aggregate of ALL responses for section A to each participant when they start section B? Or just wanting to show the responses from section A to each participant who filled it out, like a reminder of what they said?
> @jpardicusick said:

> Let me ask are you are wanting to show the aggregate of ALL responses for section A to each participant when they start section B? Or just wanting to show the responses from section A to each participant who filled it out, like a reminder of what they said?



Not an aggregate of all response. Say you have wrote five poems in section A, in my section B, I will be asked to evaluate your (or others') written poems.

Does that make sense? I re-edit my question, you can refer to that:)

THanks a lot!
Hello @BellaYang ,

You can create a public report and embed in the iframe and show it in the section B. Design a report that only contain section A response

Note: Don't think this will be helpful, as the above solution will show all respondents poems
Ah, I understand now. Thanks for the clarification!

There might be a custom code solution but since I'm not a coder, what I would do is set it up as two separate surveys. In the first survey, capture the poem and then spit it out into an excel document.

Build the second survey using the responses of the first: Set up each block to hold a poem as descriptive text with a text entry question, then use Question Randomization to present one (or several) options to the respondent.
> @Shashi said:

> Hello @BellaYang ,


> You can create a public report and embed in the iframe and show it in the section B. Design a report that only contain section A response


> Note: Don't think this will be helpful, as the above solution will show all respondents poems

You are saying your solution is not ideal in this case?

Yeah, showing all poems is not very good, I aim to show 1 scene(image) + 1 poem (text) in one question in section B. Each person will get several poems to evaluate though.
> @jpardicusick said:

> Ah, I understand now. Thanks for the clarification!


> There might be a custom code solution but since I'm not a coder, what I would do is set it up as two separate surveys. In the first survey, capture the poem and then spit it out into an excel document.


> Build the second survey using the responses of the first: Set up each block to hold a poem as descriptive text with a text entry question, then use Question Randomization to present one (or several) options to the respondent.

Thanks a lot for the response.

In this way, is it I can only start my second survey after collected all the data from my first survey?
> @BellaYang said:


> Thanks a lot for the response.


> In this way, is it I can only start my second survey after collected all the data from my first survey?

That's correct, I'm afraid.

I don't know of another way that you can use a random response from a previous answer from a different respondent in a current survey, but this community is filled with brilliant people so maybe they can come up with something.

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