How to change auto-advance by question/question response | XM Community
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How can I enable auto advance in the theme BUT disable on the last question/question block. 

I want people to be FORCED to answer a question but NOT autoadvance to close, after answer is submitted. Any javascript? Any HTML code? Or is there code for each block to autoadvance? Help!

Update to my question. 

If yes is selected here, I want to autoadvance to next screen/closing. If no is selected, I don’t want anything to happen. So how do I implement autoadvance on the whole survey BUT only one response for the last question?



Hi @MaggieGentry ,

You can use the below JS code which uses a change function. When Yes is selected it will auto advance and when no is selected nothing will get triggered.
NOTE: Assuming the YES option choice is always on 2nd position.


/*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page is fully displayed*/

    jQuery('.ChoiceStructure').find("input(type=radio]").eq(1).change(function() {
    var yes = jQuery(this).is(":checked");

    if (yes) {


@nikamshubham_73  I got an error message… here is what I added:



    /*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page is fully displayed*/

    jQuery('.ChoiceStructure').find("input.type=radio]").eq(1).change(function() {
    var yes = jQuery(this).is(":checked");

    if (yes) {

Hi @MaggieGentry ,

The code you have provided is correct. However, there's a missing closing brace }) at the end of the code.


Didn’t work/still autoadvanced when I hit no - any other thoughts?

Hi @MaggieGentry ,

NOTE: Assuming the YES option choice is always on 2nd position.

I have used the below code and it working for me, please find link below for it


@nikamshubham_73 - I have autoadvance turned on for the whole survey. But when I click no, it still autoadvances. 

If yes is selected here, I want to autoadvance to next screen/closing. If no is selected, I don’t want anything to happen. So how do I implement autoadvance on the whole survey BUT only one response for the last question?

Oops - apparently I was in a rouge account. Reposting from my account! 

@nikamshubham_73 - I have autoadvance turned on for the whole survey. But when I click no, it still autoadvances. 

If yes is selected here, I want to autoadvance to next screen/closing. If no is selected, I don’t want anything to happen. So how do I implement autoadvance on the whole survey BUT only one response for the last question?


On the same page as your last question, add a text entry question after the last question and hide it with JavaScript.

@TomG  - That didn’t work - it still autoadvances to the next page (even though programmed on the same page - the theme is set to autoadvance on page and question)… where the question is hidden:


Is there a way to program the individual questions/pages to autadvance OR can I program autoadvanve NOT to occur on this last question if “no” is selected?


Based on your image, it did work since it didn’t automatically submit on the last page.  I think the issue is that you’ve set your survey to show 1 question per page, so you can’t add the hidden text entry question to the same page as the last question.

One more thing...I have a JS function that auto advances pages (autoAdvancePages) that can be turned on and off by block or page. Contact me by private message if interested.

I don’t have anything set for questions per page - other thoughts?

I have an idea to just change to “hard text” and have them hit submit - but this is different from the origininal

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